To the victor goes the spoils...

Hearing Lucifer's question, Michael turned to him and answered with a straight face, devoid of emotion.

"Nothing much, you were just in the way of my plans."

Lucifer felt even crushed that this was his answer.

"Do betray heaven itself?!" He asked but he was growing weaker and weaker that it took him all he had to speak.

Michael smiled upon hearing his question. "Betray Heaven? I want to make Heaven great again, scratch that. I want to make the entire Divine realm to become what it used to before."

"What?" Lucifer was honestly perplexed.

"Do you remember the war for supremacy before the Divine Realm was at peace? Countless Divine clans fought for their rights to the lands of the Divine Realm. We Angels won because of our military strength and numbers. Then after that there was peace in the Divine Realms, sure there were some skirmishes between clans every now and then. But things were relatively peaceful after the Supremacy war."

To Lucifer's surprise Michael suddenly started telling a story. "What...are you...getting at?" He asked. He wanted to drag the conversation out because the natural healing ability of Angels were starting to kick in and repair his wounds.

"Relax, I'm getting to it." Michael said seemingly unaware of what was happening..

"There was peace in the Divine Realms but then a dozen millenniums ago, there was a foreign force that tried to invade the Divine Realm and that's how we come to know that we aren't alone in this entire universe. That there are other creatures that exist somewhere in this vast world."

Up until here, Michael had a delighted look on his face. It was filled with awe but then it turned serious again.

"It was in the war between these foreign creatures that I discovered the growing fault in the Divine realms..."

Hearing this even Lucifer was in suspense. It was true that battle against the foreign enemies was a hard fought battle but they still won in the end. It may be true that there were mistakes that were made during that war but the fault that his brother discovered seemed much more serious than that.

"That fault is that we were getting comfortable with the things way are. The peace has numb us and caused soldiers, whose blades craved blood to become brittle. In time the younger generations grew up in this era of peace that they don't know suffering and pain or the cruelty of war. That's why when the time came to fight with those foreign enemies, many of them fled..."

Towards the end, Lucifer could distinctly feel the rage that Michael was keeping deep inside.

"But not anymore! Over the years I have spent my life trying to figure out a way to change everything. I have discovered that if i want to make the Divine realms to become stronger again...then i'm going to have to unite them with a common enemy..."

Now that Lucifer has listened to almost everything Michael had to say, he finally figured it out. He looked towards the seven monsters and he weakly asked.


"That's right! Them! These creatures were made from my experiments with Humans and Divine beasts and the results are as you can see. Marvelous aren't they? These extraordinary creations of mine have immense physical strength to rival even the Dragons in the Divine realms who are famed for their physical powers...Though their only drawback is that their affinity for magic are quite low, except for this one."

Michael then patted the woman with Bat wings on the shoulder and ran his fingers down her cheeks and to her chin. He then faced towards Lucifer before pacing around while explaining how proud he was of his work.

"She is different! She is the only one, out of the thousands and thousands of experiments even among the seven successful products...She is the only one that successfully wielded Magic. Do you know why?"

Lucifer furrowed his brows but since he was pretending weak he didn't speak anyway and waited for Michael to continue his speech. His wounds were mostly healed but the damage cause by Michael's spear still took a toll on him.

He was caught off guard and was struck by Michael with all his powers unleashed. Even with his healing abilities it would still take him at least years to recover his full power. But he couldn't wait that long, he has to somehow escape and send word of his brother's plan to heaven.

"It's the humans! They are filled with endless possibilities you can't even imagine. No wonder the old man created them last. They reach heights that we can't even perceive. It's good that you never paid them enough attention, if not you would've learned my plans for them."

It was here that Michael turned to Lucifer again and said.

"Sadly you won't get to witness the fruits of my labor. You were the only one who could've stopped me but you won't be able to, because you'll be sealed here for all eternity as you fade away from history."

An invisible force lifted Lucifer and slammed him on the wall of the Divine Punishment Altar.

"Ugh!" Lucifer groaned.

He was about to fall again when a golden chain pierced one of his wings and nailed him onto the stone wall.

"Ahh!!!" Lucifer screamed in pain as a seering pain assaulted his senses followed by a couple more chains flying towards him.

His other wings was nailed as well together with his limbs. With more injuries piling up especially the injuries on his wings Lucifer felt extremely week.

"These Divine Subduing chains are hard to obtain and it pains me to use them to seal you up but you are the only threat to my plans, brother so this is a loss i can take."

Michael floated before Lucifer who was nailed onto the wall with his consciousness slipping away.

"Sleep...and may you find happiness in the land of dreams." With this Michael flew out of the cave together with the seven monsters.


After Michael and the monster left, Lucifer felt the, the entire earth shake. He could guess that Michael must be burying the entire area around this cave to hide the Divine Punishment Altar and me included.

"So this is it huh?"

Lucifer was feeling helpless and was about to give up when he saw the wound from Michael's spear. It left a scar behind and he couldn't help but remember that moment. Something inside him screamed.

"No! I am not giving up! NEVER!"

With the last of his strength he plucked a piece of his feather from his wings and sent it flying above. It pierced through the rocks layer by layer, it would've reached the surface it if weren't for his energy not being enough to manipulate it far enough.

He was feeling really weak and could lose consciousness at any moment. At this point he just hopes that someday, a human would find his feather and make his way to this cave and somehow awaken him.


Zen stood in front of the chained figure before him and was in awe for the natural feeling of majesty and grace that this person gives off. Then he saw the six wings behind that person, also chained to the wall. He stared at those wings and noticed that they had the same color as the feather he found.

'Are they connected somehow?' He thought.

Trying to hold back his excitement and expectations, Zen slowly inched forward. Suddenly, the feather on his chest started to heat up and move. It ripped apart his upper clothes as it flew toward that chained person and it attached itself to a place on one of the wings where if one looked closely was missing a feather.


"Huh? What's happening?" Zen was slightly afraid.

After the feather reattached itself onto one of the wings, there was a slight rumbling.



After what seemed to be an eternal sleep, Lucifer felt a strange sensation, something that he hasn't felt in his long sleep and this help him slowly wake up.

He slowly and sluggishly opened his eyes and it was here that he saw an unfamiliar face. Lucifer saw a young boy below, standing before the altar. He turned his head to the right and understood that this boy must've found the feather he sent out all those years ago.

"You must be the one who found my feather." Lucifer said.

Zen was still in the state of shock when the feather flew out and attached itself on the person's wing, after that the person opened his eyes. It was a bit too much for a kid. Hearing this person's question, Zen subconsciously nodded.

"Hmm. I'd like to repay you but as you can see, I'm bounded to this wall. Do you mind helping me?"

Hearing him, Zen nodded again and this surprised Lucifer a bit and he asked.

"Aren't you at least a bit curious what I am? Why are helping me just like that? For all you know I might be some monster."

But Lucifer didn't expect Zen's answer to be. "My mother said that we should help those in need and i don't think you're a bad person mister."

"Hmm...what makes you think so?" Lucifer was a bit interested in this kid now.

"Just a feeling, so what should i do to help you?" Zen earnestly said.

Even without his divine powers Lucifer could tell that this kid was telling the truth, for there was no disturbance in his emotions and he could see the sincerity from his eyes. He smiled and said.

"You see that altar before you?" Lucifer asked.

Zen quickly nodded and Lucifer continued. "You wouldn't be able to do anything on your own. Because that is a divine artifact."

Hearing this, Zen was disappointed but he perked up hearing that this was a divine artifact. There only a few "divine artifacts" in this world and a lot of the top organizations of the world have already monopolized them but something told Zen that this altar was worth more than any of those artifacts combined.

Lucifer seemingly expected this reaction, anyone would covet such a treasure but not everyone was fated for them.

"All you need to do is give me control of your body for a bit and I will control the artifact to release my body."

Zen took a step back upon hearing this. He was walking the path of a martial artist and this world didn't lack techniques that allowed someone to take over someone else's body. There were countless records of this happening so of course Zen became capacious.

But suddenly he heard Lucifer laughing and looked toward him and he understood there was no sign of deceit or evil from Lucifer's eyes. There was only those clear blue eyes of his that told him that there was no need to fear.

"Alright, but you must promise me one thing." Zen courageously spoke.

Lucifer was surprised as well but he would do anything just to get out of this place and so he said.

"Kid, even if you had a thousand wish i will make them come true as long as i can get out of here."

Hearing this Zen took a deep breath and said. "Alright, do what you have to do."

Lucifer nodded and with the wisp of power he had left he tore a small portion of his soul and essence, sending it flying towards Zen. There was a golden light that came from Lucifer and shot towards Zen. It entered Zen's consciousness and merged with his soul.

Immediately after that, Zen's eyes glowed gold and started to walk towards the center of the Altar where there was a clear crystal in the middle. But what was surprising was Zen didn't look like a would be ten year old kid. If someone were to see how he walked, the aura he was radiating they would mistake him for a top expert of the world. Heck, they could even mistake him for an emperor.

Zen reached the middle of the Altar. The Divine Punishment Altar's set up was there was a semi-circle stone floor beneath the wall where Lucifer's body was chained on. There was a small walkway that connected that floor to the Altar in the middle. The Altar itself was two meters in diameter and in the middle was clear crystal.

Standing above that crystal, Zen who was possessed by a part of Lucifer's consciousness for the moment, spread his hands outwards and from his palms lit up with a golden light. This light then concentrated on the the tip of his index and middle finger.

His fingers moved as they drew complex and unrecognizable runes, as his fingers moved his hands moved as well. Zen's right hand moved in an arch above him while his left moved below him. His two hands completed a circle made of runes.

These runes shone even more when they were completed. Then Zen clasped both of his hands and the runes flew to the middle and combined themselves into a runic cross. He then slammed his right hand down along with the runic cross on the clear crystal.

A golden light shone from the crystal and the stones on the Altar glowed and there was Azure runes that lit up.


The Altar shook and from the edge of the Altar center, six stone posts rose. When they finished rising a steady stream of azure energy rose from them, forming six dragons above Zen. These dragons stared at Lucifer's body or more specifically the Divine Subduing chains.


The Dragons rushed towards Lucifer's body as if they haven't eaten anything for millenniums and they were about to eat their first meal in a first while.


One by one the six Divine Subduing Chains that have bounded Lucifer's body lost their color as slowly fell out of Lucifer's body.


When these chains with the size of a man's thighs fell on the ground they lost their lustrous color and became like ordinary metal, grey in color.


Following them was Lucifer's body, after seeing his body fell, Lucifer didn't immediately leave Zen's body but remained inside as he walked towards his body.

There was still blood oozing out of his wings from when the chains came out. Lucifer, in Zen's body knelt down and traced his fingers over the wound. His fingers got stained with blood but this was what Lucifer wanted, he stood up and his fingers glowed golden again as he once again drew runes but this time it was even more complex.

It took Lucifer half a minute to complete a six-layered runic circle that floated above him. The runic circles then superimposed themselves and the blood on Zen's fingers floated toward the golden circle. After that, the circle shrunk and became a small golden ball.


Out from Zen's forehead and golden light flew out and shot towards that golden ball. After that golden light left Zen's forehead, Zen fell on the ground weakened. Once it merged together with that golden ball, the golden ball flew towards Lucifer's body enveloping it in a golden light like a cocoon.