Some "Explanations"

The next morning, the sun rises and the birds sing like in a fairytale... Only not. It is raining.

A thunder wakes me up. A FREAKING THUNDER!

What the hell? This is my and my friends' first day in another world and what comes to greet us?

A tempest.

How nice.

I already have done my self-hygiene and dressed up myself when someone knocks on the door very lightly, almost like this person doesn't really want me to hear.

I rushed across the room before the person could leave and open the door with a big "bang".


I put too many strengths.

Well, at least I didn't break the door. Yet.

In the corridor, a maid is on the ground. Probably the surprise made her fall. Or she was beaten down by the door.

"Hi, Miss.Maid-chan. Did you find something interesting down there?"

Miss.Maid-chan look at me angrily.

Wow, so scary~

She stood up on her own before I could offer some help. Without a look at me, she starts to walk. How rude! She didn't even reply to my greeting. All the maiden in this castle are so bad-mannered as this one is or I won the lottery?

How I suppose she is the one who knocked on my door, I followed her. If she knocked against her will, it means she was ordered by her superiors to call me for some reason. I just hope they will give us breakfast before any conversation.

We stop in front of a big door. Like, it is really big. So big that it has a smaller door on it.

The maid knocks on this small door decently, opposite of what she did on my door just minutes ago. We don't know each other and she already has animosity towards me? It is a new record.

Someone opens the door and we go inside.

It is disappointing.

The place is enormous, with enumerates white columns and long windows. The ground has a nice pattern of chess. And have a plain throne in the back of the room. But it's all.

Here hasn't any paintings nor decorations. It is just a boring big room.

Ku-chan and Kuro-kun are already here, so I decide to go greet them.

Surprisingly, the maid puts herself in my way. What she thinks she is doing?

"Y-YOu c-can't attack the H-hero and h-his friend, Brute!"


I look from my friends to the maid. Does she think I will attack them?

How silly!

I pat her head and gently push her away from my path.

"Dumb Miss.Maid-chan. Why would I hurt my own friends?"

I let the now surprise maid behind and smile to my friends while greeting them.

I wanted to talk with Kuro-kun and Ku-chan about our rooms being so far apart, but the king's secretary calls our attention.

Ku-chan bows so, I and Kuro-kun rush to imitate her.

"Dear world-crossers, we invoked you to save us from the Demon King. Unfortunately, we should just have two of you, which means someone came mistakenly.

We are truly sorry.

Furthermore, you will only be able to go back when the Demon King dies and the magic of this world got recharged by his.

We can't help you otherwise.

If you permit, we need to check your classes now."

A servant takes his words as a clue to bring a crystal ball and two others enter with a pedestal. They put everything before us with the ball placed on a cushion above the pedestal.

Ku-chan is the first to go. She places her hand on the ball and a translucent screen appears in front of all of us.

This is what we see:

+ Name: Kurisu Nao

Nickname: Ku-chan, The Hero's Partner, The Warrior Lady, His Companion, His Friend.

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Class: Warrior (Iniciant)

Status and Skills: Private



Our status and skills are private.

The next one is Kuro-kun.

+ Name: Hisao Kuroke

Nickname: Kuro-kun, The Hero, The He, The Chosen One, The Gifted, The God's Champion.

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Class: Hero (in training)

Status and Skills: Private


At this moment, a lateral door opens and the pompous child from yesterday comes through it.

"I knew it! The wonderful and handsome, Prince Begel knew it! These two are the ones we invoked, the other is just a useless plus! We must not hold here any longer because of a normal citizen *cof* ruffian *cof*, let's go have breakfast!"

We follow him and I don't dare to spoke with my friends next to all these people.

When we arrive in the dining room, I realize yet again that this palace has too few decorations to a palace. And is not this place too small to a palace? I remember all the directions since I left my room.

I am taken apart from my friends to the kitchen when I eat with the other workers, which surprises me with their scarce numbers.

I enjoy my breakfast there. The chef appears to have taken a liking for me and gives me seconds portions. For some reason, old ladies seem to like me.

Maybe I look too much like a nephew.

After breakfast, Ku-chan and Kuro-kun start their training and I have all the time to slack off and sleep.

The lunch and dinner are a repetition of the breakfast and the activities too.

The only other time I can see Kuro-kun, without being the throne time, is in the bath.

"Did you realize?" He asks me.

I look at him for some moments until he replies himself.

"Of course you realized."

"If you mean the fact they don't want us to meet, talk nor think, yes, I realized. And I think they aren't telling us all the story too. Or do you think a palace is always so poor in this world?"

"I don't understand how I can be the Hero and not you. You are the more just person I know and is smart and strong."

"I understand why. I am a delinquent, you are the star kid."

"You were a star kid too. What changed? You and us are inseparable and suddenly you weren't speaking with us anymore and would get in all the fights you could."

I stopped replying after this. How I could explain to him what happened? How could I explain why I stopped hanging out with them and tried everything to be average? How could I explain that I just felt like everything was too much?

Everyone is supposedly sleeping when I leave my room.

I know by the talk with the people in the kitchen that you don't need to use that crystal ball to see your status. Normally you just go to the guild once, they make you a guild card and you just need to think "status" to see it.

The thing is that the better the crystal you use the first time the more detailed will be your status.

The crystal ball is so good, it shows the titles you will receive in the future.

So, I waited for everyone to sleep to sneak into the throne room.

To my luck, the crystal is in the same place that this morning.

And I almost gasp aloud when I read my status:

+ Name: Hirai Keisuke

Nickname: Hirai-kun, Kei-kun, Kei-chan, Holy Princess, Demon Lord Promised One, The Denier, The Saver of The World, Demon Lord Partner, The Demon Lord Soulmate.

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Male

Species: Human?/(?)

Class(es): Berserk(lv2), Healer(lv70), Fighter(lv17), Holy Princess(lv99?)


Level: 89?

HP: 899,900


Defense: 97(+703)

Attack: 178

Curses: The Pacifist - MP just can be used to heal.

Holy Princess Clothes - Dresses gives you 300× more protection than normal equipment and its boosts are multiplied by 200×. Dresses have a 50% more chance to be dropped.


The Immortal - Passive skill, the MP is automatically used to heal any damage. Each MP heals 1000 HP.

Berserk - Just active when in mortal danger. HP goes up to 999,999,999 and the curse is lifted. Ten minutes of use and the time to recharge is one day.

Iron Fists - Acquired skill. Fists capable of breaking walls.

Demon Love - Passive Skill. Demoniac creatures are inclined to help and adore you.


What the hell?

I would be happy with this status if this hasn't so ridiculous.

Demon Lord Promised One? Aren't we invoked to kill him?

And why are my defenses so high when my power attack is pretty low in comparison? If I was to say, my attack power was acquired by myself in my previous world.

And what are these curses? They are horrible.

I NEVER am going to use a dress.

And this Demon Love. Why would I want to be adored by the demoniac creatures?

Why so many question marks?

I AM human. It isn't questionable.

My dizzy mind is interrupted by the sound of voices.

I look around and see that the lateral door is open and some light and voices are coming from there...