Holy Princess

I slowly go near the door and finally see the suave candlelight coming from there.

"... Was the Holy Princess found already, Leonard?"

"Not yet, Sir.Rendell. But it is still in the expectations from the last records."

This voice is from the King's Secretary but whose is the other one? The King's Secretary's name is Leonard? Who is this Mr.Rendell? And what they want with the Holy Princess?

"We need her to the success of the plan! We should have her in the palm of our hands since her birth. This is the only thing we are missing!"

"We have to train the Hero and his partner first, Sir. They can't kill the Demon King the way they are now. Until there the Holy Princess - our bait to Him - will have showed up."

"Okay, okay. What are you thinking about the people we invoked? Are they believing us?"

"I think other than the plus one, we are pulling the strings of the others. And it is simple to get rid of him."

Hey, hey, hey. Don't say it like it! You're giving me goosebumps!

"Well, we can do it in the next few days. For now, you can go."

"What about you, Sir?"

"I am going in a while, Leonard. Just need to arrange these books a bit."

I quickly hide behind a column when I hear Leonard's footsteps getting near the door.

I hold my breath while the door opens and closes and he calmly walks out of the throne room.

When I was just about to exhale... The door is open again and Mr.Rendel goes out in a hurry, leaving me in the absolute dark since the last light was from his candle.

I count until six hundred before groping my way towards the lateral room.

After I enter, I finally regret that the world we are transported to has a medieval setting.

Where are these damn candles! And how can I light them?!

I finally decide to use my cellphone to help in the search.

No, my cellphone isn't a cheat thing. It doesn't have a signal and on some days it will be without a battery and with no way of recharging.

I turn it on and see that I have 73% of battery yet, even this being the end of our first day here. Well, I never used it much to start.

When we arrived in this world, I saw that we didn't have a signal and decided to turn it off to save energy, but now I see I have some messages I didn't read.


You probably are fighting again. Don't you dare to come home without washing the blood, or you will receive a beating from your grandma for dirtying the floor!

When you are done, please buy some eggs and sugar in the convenience store.

Let's make a cake together ^^

It has been a while since we spend time just the two of us.

Grandma loves you, okay, idiotic grandson?*

Some tears fall on the screen making me realize how much I miss her even if it just was one day ago we saw each other.

Would I be able to see my grandma again?

Stop! You have to live the present to be able to go back.

I calm myself and close the messaging app.

Using the screen light I find the candle and the matches.

After lighting the candle, I can see that this is a workspace of some kind. There's a lot of bookcases so filled up that the books seemed about to burst out of them.

And in the middle of the tiny room, on the table, a book calls my attention.

Or better said, a picture of the said book calls my attention.

It was a gravure of a human princess with a holy aura smiling sweetly to a high-ranking looking demon who wore a crown in his head.

'The Holy Princess and The Demon Lord?'

Well, I guessed from my titles but looks like the Holy Princess isn't suppose to fight with the demons. So she should marry him or something?

Seriously, what bothersome title. I have to get rid of it soon.

I analyze the letters of the page next to the picture.

And can't decode anything from them.

They don't resemble anything I already saw on Earth. They are mainly composed of circles and dots.


I will have to take this with me.

I search around the space a bit, but apparently, this is the only picture book.

Even so, I take some of the lighter books, choosing the ones that are older or are hidden.

After I am done, I get some papers and ink and write some notes to Ku-chan and Kuro-kun.

*Ku-chan, Kuro-kun, I am running away for it is not safe for me here. You are okay for now but don't trust these people.

Learn everything you can and run away after this.*

Now, how am I going to send these?

Wait... Maid-chan probably will send it if she found in my room... But how am I going to show it is for them?

I scribble a girl and a boy holding a sword and slaughtering some demons. I also draw some rays and a magical circle like they are transported there.

I wonder if she will be able to understand it.

I wait for the ink to settle and go back to my room. There I stuff books, clothes, candles, and matches inside my old backpack. I normally don't bring a lot of things to school so it was pretty empty.

It is a pity I can't go to the kitchen since I don't know the guards' pattern.

Though... They seem to be in a financial struggle so maybe they don't have a lot of guards?

Well, I don't want to bet it. I saw a town and a forest when I looked above the walls, I can always get things there.

I go through the window (for my luck, my room is just on the second floor) and sneak to the weak parts of the security of the castle I saw when strolled around.

The moon is just bright enough for me to watch my steps, but dark enough to be able to hide me. I don't think I would have a more fitting opportunity to escape.

Squeezing myself thorough a hole I found on the walls, I finally go out of the prison I was invoked into, to discover the world I would grow to love.