Enlightenment in the way of the Hammer

Daedalus had now been doing this training for a month, and in this month he had made a huge amount of progress with strengthening his body.

Gram and Daedalus could be seen standing by the lake stretching their bodies after a long workout. Gram looking at Daedalus said unhurriedly "You have made great progress, if you can keep it up then you can start your magic training in no time at all!"

Hearing this Daedalus thinks back over the past month. In the first few days he would feel as though he was on the verge of dying and laying on the ground unable to move by the end of the day, but by the end of the week he was able to keep standing although with a lot of stumbling about never the less he was still standing. After the second week had finished he was able to keep stable and walking. By the end of the month he had realised that his body was now quite muscular.

Gram realising what the time is says sadly "Ok kid head on home your parents are probably quite worried." Daedalus responded with a quick "bye!" before running off up to and past the schools gargantuan gates before continuing towards the smithy that his family lives and works at.


Reaching his house Daedalus says "Hi mom, hi dad!" as he rushes past them into a relatively new looking room.

This room was a brand new smithing area made specifically for Daedalus, it is also his bedroom. Getting to the back of the room Daedalus pulled out a relatively dusty but large mirror, quickly cleaning off all the dust Daedalus looks into the mirror before seeing a young boy around seven with a well toned muscular body, perfectly built for long distance running and fighting. Looking up slightly from looking at his muscular body Daedalus sees staring back at him a delicate looking boy with beautiful black hair and shining purple eyes, slightly shocked as he had never realised that he was so handsome.

After admiring his looks for a while Daedalus slapped his cheeks thinking 'I never realised I was so narcissistic, well I should get that out of my head that will only get me killed!'

Walking towards his latest project, a suit of armour made of myrite alloy something he made himself which is both light but resistant to near any weapons attack for example a slash or a hammer blow would do nothing or at least near to nothing to the armour. The joints to the armour are made from dragon leather with a softer wool as the inner lining to make it more comfortable.

Daedalus had not told anyone about this all yet as he wanted to use it in the schools next festival competition both to win and show off his skills and skillset. Remembering the time Daedalus decides 'There is plenty of time to do a little bit of work on my armours design and look.' so taking out a few pieces of myrite bars, Daedalus begins to heat them and then hammer them repeatedly, going through this same process for well over an hour Daedalus quickly finds himself in a trance like state hammering at just the right angles with an unmatched accuracy and beauty.

After a few more hours in this trance like state Daedalus wakes up before realising that his armour was completed, seeing this he began to remember what had just occurred so sitting in a meditative pose Daedalus began to go through the memories.

When he had finished Daedalus realised that his forging techniques had reached a whole new level than before and that his armour was likely the best work he had ever created.