Progress and Forging

It was now near the end of the school year and Daedalus was just finishing his twentieth run of he day, he had not broken a sweat. Gram seeing him return said "Ok Daedalus good job, your physical foundations have been set. By the way, I heard that you are going to be showing something off at the school festival, you mind telling me what it is?" with a devious smile on his face.

"And if I did what would you do?" Daedalus said cautiously. Gram started laughing saying "Nothing I am just curious, but I will wait until tomorrow to see what your hiding!"

Having heard what his teacher had said Daedalus replied saying "Ok, well I will see you tomorrow then. Where should I meet up with you?"

"At the usual place, you know the rock by the lake." Gram replied.

"Ok see you there then." Daedalus said while he began to sprint towards his house.


In the past eight months Daedalus had managed to make an even better set of tools including a much sturdier anvil, his hammer now looked like a mixture of stars and the void of space this is because it was made of a brand new alloy he had made. This alloy he had made was as he called it Uru based off of a legendary metal made by the remains of a star, though he had not gotten this alloy from just a star it was a combination of his Myrite and a fallen star, he just thought that the name suited it well as it was his strongest alloy yet.

Daedalus had also remade his previous armour, though he kept in a corner so as to be able to remember his first enlightenment, which was made out of Uru however it was slightly different than his tools as it did not have the lustre of stars but just a pitch black void that seemed to consume light itself, thus its name being void walker or those who walk the void consume light.

His training had also gained immense progress as he could now lift about five thousand kilogrammes with relative ease and run a marathon in under five minutes, but only if he didn't have his gravity weights. Gram his teacher had made the weights specifically for Daedalus and they would automatically adjust to his limit unless Daedalus willed for them to turn off.


Deciding that he wants more than just his armour for the festival Daedalus had earlier that day gotten his forging room ready with a few ingots of Uru sitting by the forge, while his hammer and other tools where on his anvil.

Entering his forge room Daedalus quickly walked over to the forge and turned it on, then while it was getting up to heat he changed into a classic blacksmiths attire. Finishing getting changed his forge had finally hit the correct temperature, so throwing the Uru ingots into the fire Daedalus sits just to the side watching the Uru carefully.

After waiting for twenty minutes Daedalus grabbed the super heated metal with his tongs before putting it on the anvil. He then began to hammer furiously at the metal alloy slowly shaping it into a long and narrow blade like shape. Getting it to the final shape Daedalus quickly begins tempering the blade before cooling it down in some water. Finally Daedalus takes the blade and begins to slowly sharpen the blade with the use of a plethora of sharpening stones resulting in a blade sharper than a razor.

Finished with the blade Daedalus quickly found a long piece of dark than night black wood. Slowly and carefully Daedalus carved down the wood in to a large rounded edges handle. Finally Daedalus puts the handle on the blade before wrapping ray leather straps around the hilt as a grip.

Daedalus picked up the katana he had just made while thinking 'It's perfect!' slashing at the air the blade makes a sound as though it is cutting through the air itself. Pleased with his creation Daedalus quickly makes a sheath before placing his Katana 'Void Slasher' at the hip location on 'Void Walker'. Standing just a few metres back Daedalus smiles proudly at his creation.