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It was early in the morning, Daedalus had just begun to wake up. Thinking back to the previous night Daedalus smiled proudly at his creations that sat in their full glory at the center of his room, as if displaying their unwavering might to the world and beyond.

Getting out of bed Daedalus quickly began to get changed into a comfortable set of clothing. Walking from his room Daedalus could see his mother Selda making breakfast and his father sitting at the dining table reading a book. Turning to Daedalus, Danel said "So, are you ready for the festival Daedalus? Is your project complete?"

"Yes father, it's complete I will bring it out after breakfast. Then you can praise the wonderful workmanship and effort that I have put into my creation!" Daedalus said confidently while laughing happily.

"Ok son but don't over do it. Well your mother is done cooking, let's eat!" Danel said happily while admiring the food his wife had made.


After eating a delicious breakfast with his mother and father, Daedalus walked swiftly towards his bedroom. Entering his room Daedalus again smiles proudly at the beautiful and intricately detailed armour and Katana, before walking over.

Daedalus then wore the intricately designed armour, placing the katana at his waist he then walked up to his mirror that he had placed into the open so that he could see how the armour looked on him. Looking into the mirror Daedalus froze thinking 'Wow, it fits me perfectly'. Daedalus then took off his helmet and held it between his arm and his side, before walking from his room.

Selda and Danel seeing their son walking from his room In a perfectly fitting armour with a katana sheathed at his side, were shocked and in awe of the beautiful and intricate designs of the armour and katana. Selda seeing this armour could only think 'With just the details alone it is just behind my best pieces in quality, and it looks strong too!' while Danel just felt immense pride in his son.

Daedalus seeing their shocked faces laughed forcing them out of their stupor, where they then noticed his smirk making them think 'Don't get too cocky Daedalus or you will get burned.' they then looked towards each other and smiled. Turning towards Daedalus they said in unison "it's good almost at your mother's/my level. Well done Daedalus we are proud of you!" Daedalus then smiles contentedly before saying "Ok well you need to show me your best work at some point, but I have to go now. Don't want to be late today!"

Daedalus then walked out of the door and started his way to the school. seeing what he was wearing many of their neighbours saw him and marveled at the armour and katana swords detail and craftsmanship, thus making them remember that it is the school festival and that there would be a talent show.

After walking for half an hour Daedalus had finally arrived at the school gates where as per usual he greeted the guards who this time were in awe of his intricate and powerful armour and weapon. Letting him pass they said "Did you make that yourself because if so I think I know who the winner is already!" Daedalus just smiled confidently with a hint of pride before he continued walking to the area where the festival will be happening.