Difference between Ranks

As Daedalus slowly woke up, he groggily sat up before looking around in mild confusion. He was in a relatively large and neat and tidy office on a sofa.

While he was looking around confused he heard "Oh, so you are awake Daedalus. Sorry about that punch it will be sore for a while. Either way I have deemed you a C class adventurer and award you with this card." he then handed Daedalus a small card with Daedalus' face on it as well as his name and rank.

"Thanks I guess, but why am I in your office?" Daedalus asked curiously.

"Well you see I looked into your background due to your strength and found out that you are a noble of not one but two kingdoms, so I felt I should treat you a bit better after having punched you so hard in the stomach. Oh right I am the guild master Leon."


After talking to Leon for a while Daedalus said "Ok well I need to go. Oh and where might lightning be he was just outside the arena during the slau... fight waiting for me?"

"Just outside the door. See you later, and get stronger!" Leon said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, see you later!" Daedalus said before walking out of the door.

Seeing Daedalus come out of the room Lightning got up and walked over.

"Sorry for the wait Lightning, I didn't mean to take that long."

Lightning and Daedalus then walked over to the request board and began looking through the C rank quests. As Daedalus was looking at the quests he didn't notice the people walking towards him until they said "Hey kid those are not quests ment for you. Why don't you have a look at the F rank quests instead." before laughing.

Daedalus looked at them and checked Thier rank but it turned out that they were just D ranks and a few E ranks before proceeding to ignore them. The group of men seeing this got angry and one began walking over saying "Kid you better not ignore us!" the other men then said "Hey man you know that he's just a kid let him off this time, you know what they do if you beat someone up in here." while shuddering at the thought of what would happen.

The big guy who walked over however said "Don't worry. Hey kid come outside so we can settle this!" while smiling savagely.

Daedalus in all this had finally gotten annoyed and said "Fine, just wait a moment." before turning back to the board and finding a job about killing some beast in the forest he had been living in until recently. Grabbing it ha walked to the counter and said "I will be taking this quest."

Daedalus then walked outside and looked toward the group of men who were standing their smiling savagely at Daedalus. Daedalus then walked over and said "Ok, so who is first?"

When they heard Daedalus they began laughing before a E rank walked out saying "Fine kid we will be going easy on you, I will only break your arms and legs."

When Daedalus heard this his face began turning cold and he charged at the man. As he charged at the man he pulled a long dagger from his belt. Reaching the man Daedalus expertly slashed around the man, though it looked more like a mesmerising dance of death to anyone else. When he had finished the man fell to the ground not dead but with his arms and legs in a mess, he was crippled and unable to recover.

All the other men realised that Daedalus was completely out of their league tried to run back into the guild. But Daedalus was faster and they all ended up crippled on the ground.