
After Daedalus explained to the guards what had happened and the people around saying the same thing, Daedalus walked away free. Daedalus then began walking towards the town gate that he had come in last time. Walking past the gate Daedalus began the small journey back to the forest.


Reaching the forest Daedalus took another look at the quest he had excepted. He had to kill a tiger like creature within the middle section of the forest, for a reward of twenty gold. He then began walking with lightning beside him towards the middle of the forest.

After ten minutes of walking towards the middle Daedalus heard a growling sound coming from a nearby cave. Looking over he saw a big tiger like creature standing there staring and growling at him.

Daedalus then checked what its cultivation was, it was at organ refinement in body refining but only mana circulation in magic cultivation. Seeing that it was at a lower cultivation by so much Daedalus while still cautious walked towards the tiger without fear.

The tiger however did not wait for him to reach it as it jumped in a ferocious lunge at Daedalus. Daedalus however just side stepped it before punching the tiger in the guts. The tiger being hit so hard went flying into a tree which snap it's spine like a twig and killed it.

After picking up the corpse Daedalus saw what sort of time it was and so they headed over to the base.


After staying the night, Daedalus and Lightning walked back to the town and headed over to the guild to hand in the tiger and get their money. There had been a few idiots along the way that tried to take either stealthily or not but in the end there was a path of unconscious people up to the guild.

Walking inside the guild Daedalus looked around and found the area to hand in the quests. Walking over Daedalus took the tiger off of Lightning's back and placed it carefully on top of the counter and said "I would like to hand in this quest." while handing over the paper that said what the quest was and the reward.

After a few minutes of dealing with that Daedalus had twenty five gold, the person tried to scam him so he stole their money, and walked to the C rank quest board again.

There were not a lot of quests to pick from but Daedalus didn't mind and he just continued looking through the quests. Finally Daedalus came across a quest that he thought might be interesting. It was on a clearly older piece of paper but it still clearly said ancient tomb of a sword god on the paper.

Daedalus then grabbed the paper over to the counter again and said "I will be taking this quest." The clerk saw the quest and looked a bit shocked before saying "Okay this is now your quest, good luck it is a difficult one."

Daedalus replied with a smile and said "Thanks for the warning."

Daedalus then walked out of the guild and towards the town's West gate.