Elven Kingdom

Walking out of the West gate Daedalus takes one more look at the paper and checks where he will be going. Written on the paper it says "To the North of the elven kingdom's capital is where the sword god lays."

Putting the paper away he continues walking towards the elven kingdom. Luckily he had been planning to head over to the elven kingdom for some time, and this quest gave him the perfect reason and location of a base of operations.


About three months later a man could be seen with carrying a small stack on his back. This was Daedalus and he had finally arrived at the capital.

Walking towards the gate Daedalus is told "Stop there peasant, this is the capital we don't need anymore beggars."

Looking at himself he realises he is filthy and says "Sorry for the appearance but I am in fact a noble. However I chose an alternate form of travel so I should probably get cleaned up first."

The guard still clearly suspicious motions Daedalus to a nearby bath house outside the capital and said "I will not be paying for you so get cleaned and I would like to see your insignia."

After cleaning and changing his clothes Daedalus walked out and spoke to the guard "Ok now that I am cleaned let's get this finished up." before pulling out a small broach with the insignia inscribed on it. The insignia looked like a man and eastern dragon fighting claw to blade in an epic battle.

The guard looked at the insignia then rubbed his eyes and looked back before falling to the ground and kneeling saying "I am sorry your majesty for the way I have conducted myself!" practically crying for forgiveness.

Daedalus saw this and lifted up the guard and said "No worries it was my own fault for not having cleaned myself sooner."

He then proceeded to ask the man to take him for a tour and some information about everything that the guard knew.


After a tour and talking with the guard for a while Daedalus had found out he was actually the son of the crown prince Danel, through this he realised how bad it was of him to not have cleaned himself up earlier so Daedalus had asked that the guard Shawn not tell anyone about how he had looked.

Daedalus had also found out that he and Shawn were around the same age. So after talking for a while Daedalus became quick friends with Shawn. Telling Shawn that he has to go Daedalus then got a carriage and took it towards the castle. Along the way Daedalus heard from some people as he passed by that the crown prince had returned a few months ago, which made Daedalus quite happy as he would be able to see his father.

After reaching the castle gate the carriage was stopped by a few guards. Daedalus got out and paid the carriage driver, before pulling out his insignia and showing it to the guards. The guards seeing the insignia kneeled and said "Please enter your majesty!"