
As Daedalus left the guard station the guard captain sighed and immediately told the other guards not to cause Daedalus any problems and also Daedalus' instructions. When Daedalus left he immediately began walking over to the guild building to turn in his quests.

As he was walking over he walked past the adventurers that he had beaten before walking into the forest those few days earlier, however they immediately ran away. Others who saw this and had ill intentions immediately left which ended up causing a chain reaction.

By the time he arrived in front of the guild all that could be heard would be Daedalus' footsteps. As he walked in all of the adventurers inside immediately looked over with tense looks, clearly they had been warned that someone dangerous was coming. Daedalus however didn't mind any of them and walked over to the front desk and said to the receptionist "I am here to turn in my quests."

The receptionist was the same as before and so recognised Daedalus, so she said "Yes sir I will look it over in a second please follow me!"

Daedalus followed the receptionist to a counting room in which she asked him to place all of the quest items on the tables. After a few seconds the room was full of beast corpses a few herbs as well as a couple materials, the most awe inspiring thing however was the head of the flood dragon.


After counting for a while and checking each quest over and over, the receptionist finally walked over to Daedalus who had sat in a chair by the door and said "Sir I have finished counting. The total reward will be two hundred thousand."

Daedalus immediately thanked her and said "I will go to see Seral before I leave. Where is he?"

She immediately replyed "He is just in his office, sir."

Saying that Daedalus took his reward and immediately began walking over to Seral's office.

Not long later Daedalus was knocking on Seral's office door. From the opposite side of the door Daedalus could hear Seral saying "Come in."

As he walked in Seral seemed surprised and said "Your highness it is good to see you!"

Daedalus smiled and said "Yes it is good to see you to Seral. Also I have an offer, would you like to become a higher ranking guild master in this empire?"

Seral's eyes went wide and he said "Your highness, I don't mean to be rude but, Why?"

Daedalus replyed with a simple "I like how you do things and you are quite straightforward." With that Seral quickly agreed.

Daedalus then took Seral with him to the pub across the street to get a drink. After a few hours of drinking far too much alcohol both were drunk beyond reason and telling eachother stories of their travels and adventures.


The next morning Daedalus woke up drunk in the middle of a half destroyed bar. After apologising to the owner Daedalus and Seral gave him a large sum of gold for repairs before parting ways. Daedalus of course immediately said goodbye and began walking towards the north, while Seral went towards the capital.


As Daedalus made his way through the forest he had to kill a few beasts however he still very quickly arrived back in the mountain pass. As it was night Daedalus set up his camp and went to sleep.