Border City/Feast

Daedalus woke up early the next morning and began heading towards the empire's border. As he exited the mountain pass Daedalus saw, in the distance, a massive city. This city was known as the border city of both kingdoms. This border city was considered very unique as rather than a single person or empire being in charge it was a council of sorts with two halves, one for each empire. This was done due to the nearly family like royal families that had been friends for centuries.

Of course when Daedalus arrived and showed his insignia, he was given a grand entrance. Though not many were too shocked as it had been long announced that he would be going to the Grand Alchemist empire from his own Craftsman empire to join their college. In the end Daedalus had been escorted to the council's feast hall where they would welcome him with a feast.

Daedalus asked if he could just rest in a room for a while until the feast, to which they obviously agreed as it would give them more time to prepare an even better feast.

A few hours later as it was getting late a servant had come to bring Daedalus to the feast. When he arrived it was in the time when most guests would be arriving, so Daedalus of course decided to just blend in. Although he was a prince and a crown prince at that he still did not like formal things all that much. Of course most people he was seen by saw that he was wearing adventurer clothes and simply thought he was just an A Rank adventurer and didn't pay much attention.

After a while there was however a lot of people gathered and it was hard to move without bumping into others. This of course happened a lot but most knew eachother and nobody wanted to offend someone else so it wasn't a problem, there was however a few rich kids who would make a scene until the other apologised. They where clearly the sons of the most prominent people in the city, and so didn't give much thought before offending others.


As Daedalus was getting some food from the table a young man went passed and bumped into Daedalus. Daedalus didn't give it much thought and was about to keep moving when the young man said "You dare drop this food on my shoes! Do you know who I am, I will have you killed!"

Daedalus of course payed more attention to the 'I will have you killed' part and said "Do you know who I am!?"

The spoiled brat immediately became enraged and said "A lowly adventurer nothing more, I will have you and your family killed for offending me!"

Daedalus' face immediately turned colder than cold and a thick killing intent erupted from his eyes. The brat immediately yelled with fear evident in his eyes "Do you think you can afford to kill me!?"

Daedalus had by that point walked directly in front of the brat and grabbed him by the neck lifting him up to his eyes.