
Along the way to the capital Daedalus tried many times to make small talk with the girl, however she only ever responded to serious questions or if she needed something. Danforth and Sherry however got along very well as they turned out to be friends from long ago before the fall of mortal gods. They had also been brought back in very similar ways as Sherry was brought back by the girl through her alchemy skill, which compared to Daedalus' forging skills was about equal.

The only thing that Daedalus regretted was that she would not tell him her name, which left him constantly sighing. This of course annoyed every one else and there was even a time where Sherry tried to get her to say her name, which of course didn't work.


The group of four was now standing in front of the gates of the capital. Around them where a lot of rich kids or nobility heading for the college, just like them.

Finally it was their turn and Daedalus stepped forward saying "Hello I am from the craftsman empire and we are headed to the college."

The guard understood and said "There is a carriage over there, it's already paid for so one gold please."

Daedalus handed the guard a gold coin and immediately got on the carriage. After the rest had gotten on the carriage began heading towards the college in the center of the capital.


As they arrived at the college Daedalus could see a large amount of carriages and rich kids as well as a lot of nobility. After a few minutes of walking they had finally arrived in the college's main hall, where the entrance exam would take place. Daedalus and the girl where sorted into their seats by a few teachers and told to wait for the exam to begin.

About forty minutes later the hall was full to the brim. A older man came out onto the stage and began speaking "Hello and welcome to this college. As you can see we will be having you partake in an entrance exam."

A few people spoke out saying "Why should I have to sit through an exam, I am of nobility!"

The man waved his hand and then began speaking again saying "It does not matter whether you are nobility or royalty, only those with the talent and the knowledge can join this college. I can also say for certain that there is some royalty here to take part in this exam. Now you may begin with the exam, and do not speak as that counts as forfeiting the exam!"

As the man finished speaking Daedalus immediately turned the first page to see the questions. To his suprise all of the questions where quite easy and so he very quickly made his way through the paper. It was only the last question that made him slow down for a moment 'What do you think cultivation is?'.

Daedalus then sat there for a while just pondering. Eventually Daedalus wrote down 'A means to a better future.' before the bell rang and the exam ended.