
As the bell rang and the exam ended many students got up while yelling things like "What the fuck, how dare you try to scam me, do you know who I am?" and many other similar things. Daedalus of course just sat back and waited for the exams to be taken. After the exams where taken all of the students where told to wait for a while, while the examiners checked the exams.

A few minutes later people came out to announce the results. First place was Daedalus, second was Andromeda, Third Jeremiah. Daedalus was very pleased by being first, but he also became curious about who this Andromeda was. Daedalus however didn't have the time to look around as the room went into an uproar. Most of those who took the exam where from big and important families or businesses so they where very obviously furious at being shamed with low scores.

The uproar only died down when the man from earlier came out and yelled "Silence!"

However the silence didn't last long as rich kids started making a ruckus due to being told to be silent. It was only when the man released his cultivation pressure that they mostly quieted down. The man then said "I apologize to all of you who where not making a ruckus but I needed silence."

A few people from the crowd nodded however most where frowning still. The man then said "Would Daedalus and Andromeda follow me to another hall please?"

Daedalus immediately stood up and walked over to the back stage door and entered. A short while later to the shock of Daedalus the girl they wouldn't tell him her name came in. Daedalus immediately put two and two together and realised that she was Andromeda.

After they had entered the man turned and bowed to them both and saying "It is an honour your highnesses to have you both as students of my college!"

Daedalus looked at Andromeda shocked and confused, Andromeda was also shocked and they both said at the same time "Your royalty!?"

Daedalus then said "Wait, wait, I would like to reintroduce myself. I am Daedalus the crown prince of the Craftsman empire, and you are?"

Andromeda smirked and said "I am Andromeda crown Princess of the Grand Alchemist empire!"

The man was a little confused at first, but quickly realised that they had met but did not know eachother.

The man then looked at Daedalus and said "Your highness prince Daedalus, I have been told to inform you that the Emperer has invited you to meet him in the castle, and Princess you where asked to visit as well."

Daedalus thanked the man and then left with Andromeda towards the castle. As they got to the gate there was a carriage waiting for them so they got in. After a short carriage ride Daedalus and Andromeda had arrived at the castle.

As they got out of the carriage they where welcomed grandly while one servant went to inform the king. A short while later they where told they could enter.