
It had been more than a year since Daedalus' adventure had come to a close. Ever since the incident Daedalus had been making it up to his family while training in his new form. Currently Daedalus could be seen sitting within the Lush garden.

If you looked closely you would be able to occasionally see him switching in and out of his bloodline transformation. This was how he had been practicing with his new ability as it allowed him to switch faster. Other than that he also used the same method as he previously used for controling his energies by putting a seal on himself.


A few hours later Daedalus could be seen sitting within the pavilion with Andromeda. This had become a common occurrence since Daedalus returned as they both found the atmosphere to be quite calming. It helped that the twins avoided them as they said "Eww, their being lovey dovey!" Daedalus had found it hilarious but Andromeda seemed to take it as a challenge.

Currently Andromeda could be seen laying her head on Daedalus' shoulder as they watched the sun begin to set. Daedalus let out a happy and content sigh before leaning his head on top of hers.

Sadly the atmosphere was ruined when Rose ran in while shouting "Dad, uncle Danforth and uncle Rudra want to talk with you about something."

Andromeda pouted at this before standing up and pushing Daedalus towards the door where he smiled wryly and walked out following Rose. Before long Daedalus and Rose had arrived in front of the living room. Even before they walked in Daedalus could hear Danforth and Rudra debating about something.

Walking in Rudra sighed and looked at Danforth before saying "Ok let's tell him but we will give him at least a year before we go."

Danforth also sighed and said "Fine, but I get to tell him."

Daedalus who heard all of this had a raised eyebrow and said "Okay why did you need me?"

Danforth smiled and said "We found a different planet. That may have an even better cultivation system than our own, it is definitely better organised if compared to ours."

Daedalus nodded and said "Okay what does that have to do with me?"

Danforth continued "I'm getting there don't rush me. Basically we are going to go there and restart our cultivation from the beginning. And yes I know that means completely reverting our cultivation to the beginning, back to being mortal and all but I think it is a better idea than continuing with a likely damaged foundation. It would explain why we can't progress any farther than this with our cultivation."

Daedalus looked at them incredulously and said "And you want me to go with you?"

Danforth then nodded and said "It would mean a better foundation."

Daedalus sighed and said "Give me a few days or weeks I need to have a good, long and hard think about this decision. I'll see you later I need to talk with Andromeda about this, because if I do go she will likely have to deal with the empire without me for much longer than normal."