Planning and Preparation

Walking through the grandiose halls of the palace Daedalus could be seen pondering. He was trying to make his decision regarding Danforth and Rudra's proposal. Sighing Daedalus continued making his way to the garden.


After making his way through the garden to the pavillion, Daedalus layed down next to Andromeda with his head on her lap. Andromeda could immediately tell that Daedalus had come across an extremely hard decision, him sighing helped to prove that.

So while stroking his hair Andromeda asked "So do you want to tell me what's wrong, or not?"

"In a minute." Replied Daedalus in a tired tone. Simply from his tone Andromeda could tell that this was not any simple decision and took a deep breath in preparation.

Almost a minute later Daedalus sighed again before sitting up. Then he explained exactly what he had been told, they would be going to another planet, where they would dismiss their cultivation and cultivate in that planets cultivation system.

After hearing all of that Andromeda let out her breath and closed her eyes. Daedalus couldn't help but notice how fragile she looked and held her to his chest.


It was only a few hours later that Andromeda sighed again and said "You should go, it means you would have a better chance at advancing in your cultivation."

Daedalus couldn't help but hug her again. And so for the rest of the day they stayed in the pavilion enjoying eachother's company.


With a year at his disposal before they left Daedalus began to do research regarding more mortal survivability tactics. He had a family to get back to so he decided that this would be how he made certain. To practice the authenticity of these survival techniques Daedalus sealed his cultivation and went into the woods in the garden.

He planned to stay there for a few months practicing the techniques. Somehow while he was preparing for his two or so month long camp out Rudra and Danforth heard about it and decided to join him. This at least let Daedalus know wether they realised the dangers of being mortal again or not.


So after much planning and preparation Daedalus and the other two sealed their cultivation and began an annoyingly long walk with packs on their backs.

After about half a day of walking Rudra was the first to say that he was tired. So they all sat down while Daedalus took a look at his map. Sighing Daedalus explained that they where about a quarter of the way to the lake.

He was beginning to wish he hadn't gone for such a grandiose and massive garden. Luckily as they walked there wasn't any shortage of flowers to admire. Andromeda, Rose and Selda quite liked to go through the garden talking about anything while watering the plants.

Chuckling Daedalus remembered when he and Richard where sparring and Daedalus accidently through him towards the flowers. To say the least Richard's had been just about knocked out for a week.