End of the First Trial

When Daedalus saw the flame that had encased the hammer he couldn't help but say "That's unfair."

As he said this Kronos smiled and swung the hammer at Daedalus. This swing was far different to the previous ones as the flame burned the space and time between itself and Daedalus. This caused Daedalus to be unable to dodge in time.

As the hammer smashed into Daedalus' right side Daedalus' armour groaned in protest. By some form of luck the armour held, although badly dented. Kronos seemed surprised to see that the armour held but continued attacking Daedalus a moment later.

After the first hit landed Daedalus only managed to dodge a few more attacks before being planted into the ground. As he lay there in the ground Daedalus thought to himself 'I will be needing to repair my armour before the next trial.' Then he was unconscious.


A few hours later Daedalus bolted upright, as he did he managed to scare the maid that was watching over him. Apologising for scaring her he asked the maid to inform Ceridwen that he was awake. The maid bowed shortly after and left to tell Ceridwen exactly what he said.

Now alone in his room Daedalus took a look at his armour only to grimace in pain at what he saw. Luckily the runes where still mostly intact, however the metal was horribly been and would explain the pain in his back.

Sighing Daedalus quickly changed his clothes so that he was now wearing his blacksmithing clothes. He had made some new ones just before leaving. They had mostly fire protection runes and other simple and basic blacksmith runes.


After getting dressed Ceridwen came in and said "How are you? Also, why are you wearing clothes like that?"

Daedalus smiled and said "Well my armour is badly dented so I need to fix that, otherwise I'm feeling pretty good. And I need the clothes for while I'm fixing my armour."

Ceridwen nodded and said "Well I'll get one of the royal smiths to take you to the forge. Is there anything you'll need?"

Daedalus thought for a second and said "What are those runes on Kronos' hammer and armour? And if possible could I get a book on them?"

Ceridwen smiled and said "Well those are just normal runes, yours do look different so I'll see about finding a book for you."


After talking with Ceridwen for a while longer she left and asked one of the maids nearby to get one of the smiths over. After that Daedalus considered how he could strengthen his armour further without hindering his movement any further.

As he was going through his ideas a knock on the door told him that the royal smith had arrived. Walking over Daedalus opened the door and said "I'll be a minute, I have to grab my armour."

The smith who had arrived to get him was a dwarf with what seemed to be a permanent scowl on his face. When Daedalus brought out his armour though, the dwarf suddenly started screaming at Daedalus saying "How could you do something like this to such a masterpiece!?"