The Dwarven Blacksmith

Daedalus had been surprised by the royal blacksmiths sudden outburst. However understanding him as a blacksmith Daedalus could only nod and explain what happened "I was fighting with Kronos of the Twelve Trials, though, I wish I had made it tougher."

The dwarven blacksmith turned to Daedalus slowly, then after looking him up and down, laughed and said "You don't look older than a hundred. This, this work of art should be even older than you based simply on its quality. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was the work of some of the greatest dwarven blacksmiths in history!"

By this point Daedalus was getting fed up with the blacksmith, he could understand the disbelief because of the quality. What really ticked Daedalus off was the stigma when it came to his young age. So with a quick wave of his hand Daedalus placed his hammer on the same table as his armour was on, and said "I'm not asking you to fix my armour. I just need you to lead me to the forge!"

The dwarf sneered at Daedalus hammer and said "And what, you'll use that crappy hammer to repair the armour? Hah! don't make me laugh, it probably couldn't put even the smallest of dents in the armour."

Daedalus finally glaring at the dwarf said "Lead me to the forge you old midget."

The dwarf clearly didn't like what Daedalus said, however he simply snorted and began walking away. Daedalus understood that the dwarf was leading him towards the forge and so he grabbed his hammer and his armour and walked out to follow him.


It wasn't a long walk for them to arrive at the forge. On the way over the dwarf didn't say a word and neither did Daedalus.

As they arrived Daedalus took a look around only to be mostly disappointed, the only not disappointing thing was the fire in the forge. It was an earthen flame. Daedalus had only ever heard of them but never actually seen how hot it was.

Walking over Daedalus felt the heat for a moment, then he transformed his hand into its dragon form and put his hand inside. The old dwarf immediately yelled "What on earth are ye doin, are ya insane!?"

Daedalus couldn't help but smirk that the dwarf had let his accent out but quickly his it and said "I was testing the heat, I must say I thought it would be hotter, it won't even be able to heat my armour."

The dwarf snorted and said "Oh, let's see your hand then. It should be meltin' by now."

Daedalus didn't say a word and brought his hand out of the fire, it was no longer covered in scales as Daedalus had long decided it wasn't hot enough to worry about. The dwarf raised an eyebrow and examined Daedalus' hand before snorting and saying "So what your a fire element mage and strong at that. But this flame can melt anything, even adamantine!"

Daedalus only laughed and said "Fine if it can melt my armour in under an hour I'll give you the armour to study, if it can't melt my armour though, I get the flame."

The dwarf sneered and said "Get to it then!"