
Having gotten the go ahead from the dwarf Daedalus immediately put the armour into the fire. After that Daedalus walked away and began to inspect the room and the equipment further.

To say the least, Daedalus was thoroughly disappointed. So without giving much of a glance at anything else Daedalus began to pull his equipment out of his spacial bag. The dwarf seemed completely disdainful of Daedalus' equipment.

To be fair though, Daedalus tools and equipment where still in their protective cases. Of course the dwarf wouldn't know that, they just looked like blocks of steel to him. So walking over the dwarf said "Are these really tools, they look more like unprocessed steel blocks."

It was at that very moment Daedalus realised his own mistake and, taking off the cases, Daedalus displayed his tools to the dwarf who after seeing the true appearance of his tools could only gape in astonishment.

Each tool had a custom set of runes specific to the jobs they would be used for, they where also made out of Living metal so with how long ago Daedalus had made them, they where now likely the best tools any blacksmith could use.

The dwarf was in shock after seeing Daedalus tools and took a seat on the other side of the room. Daedalus smirked but didn't say anything as he began to prepare each of the tools he would be using for the repair.


An hour or so later Daedalus walked over to the forge and carefully pulled the armour out. The dwarven blacksmith sighed and said "What do you want, I can't give up my flame?"

Daedalus smiled and said "I don't really care, just seeing you proved wrong is enough."

With what he had to say said Daedalus walked over to his now completely set up equipment. Daedalus didn't bother taking his time to think about how he would repair the armour and simply got to work.

To start it off Daedalus used his fire magic in order to heat up the damaged or bent metal. After that Daedalus grabbed his hammer and began to use it on the super heated metal. Daedalus had long decided how he would strengthen the armour, he would be adding thicker plates of metal in areas which could help the armour resist more effectively against blunt and sharp attacks.

So that's what he did. Over the course of the day Daedalus slowly repaired his armour then spent about half of his time in order to add the extra defences. With all of that finished Daedalus wiped the non existent sweat off his forehead and turned away from his armour.

The dwarf who had previously been extremely disrespectful against Daedalus was standing with his head bowed. When he heard Daedalus stop his work he looked up and said "I apologize for my previous words, I was extremely disrespectful to you."

Daedalus simply waved his hand having mostly forgotten about the incident by now. Then he said "I asked my aunt for a book on runes, did it arrive?"

The dwarf immediately nodded and ran to the door and grabbed a book off of a small table. After returning to Daedalus he handed it to him and said "I will leave you in peace now."