Trial of Fire and Earth

As soon as Daedalus stepped into the arena the borders of the arena burst into flames. Daedalus assumed that this was not in order to stop him from leaving, but to intimidate him. Daedalus didn't mind and simply smiled.

The young man seemed annoyed by this but said "My name is Roland and I am the fire mage of the Twelve Trials."

Before Daedalus could say a word in response Roland launched an enormous plume of fire right at him. Daedalus was surprised but didn't worry about it. Quickly Daedalus activated his half dragon transformation and fiend god transformations .

The sudden appearance of wings on his foe seemed to surprise Roland, even if only for a moment. The fire that was originally a normal red and orange quickly changed turning into a white and blue flame. Daedalus didn't mind this and used the fire with his friend god transformation to increase his own strength.

As soon as he did Daedalus knew he couldn't last long in that form which only proved to him how powerful his opponent was. Daedalus muscles had bulged slightly but the most obvious thing was his skin that had turned a dark red. And Daedalus even with his two transformations active knew it wouldn't be enough to hold in that strength.

Do in a sudden burst of growth Daedalus took on his black scaled transformation. Roland and the others where shocked at the sudden appearance of a dragon, however knowing that it was Daedalus and he had absorbed some of Roland's flames they couldn't help but be shocked. Roland however quickly came to the conclusion that Daedalus was a perfect counter to him and said "Oh fine, you win, I can't fight a bloody dragon that can absorb my flames!"

No one seemed surprised at this except Daedalus who, after firing a laser like beam of fire into the sky, transformed back into his normal form and said "I know it was a bit unfair but I wouldn't be able to do that more than once right now."

Roland turned away and said "You passed the damn trial hurry up and fight one of the others or something!"

Daedalus couldn't help but smile at this, which Roland seemed to sense as he quickly said "And stop smiling!"

Daedalus only nodded and said "So who am I going to fight now?"


Daedalus never would have expected what happened during his battle against the second Titan. Her name was Gaia, and as her name suggested she conducted the trial of earth. Too put it simply, Daedalus would have to repair his armour again, that is at least after he wakes up.

The trial had lasted about ten seconds before Daedalus was hit in the head from above by, simply put, a mountain. He had immediately been knocked out because as it turned out she was known for never holding back in the slightest. Daedalus had sadly learned this the hard way, and so had his poor armour that now lay as pieces of scrap all over the arena.