New Armour

When Daedalus woke up again for the first time in a week he immediately noticed how much pain his body was in. Remembering the previous trial, Daedalus couldn't help but let a cold sweat run down his back.

After that Daedalus had stayed bedridden for a couple more days, luckily, as he was conscious Daedalus was capable of healing at a far faster rate than before. However to Daedalus great despair his armour had been destroyed. Ceridwen had gotten someone to bring the scrap metal to show Daedalus what was left of his armour.

When he had finally recovered from the injuries Daedalus set out on the task of rebuilding his armour. As the previous armour had already been somewhat strengthened by his mana, Daedalus took the scraps and melted them back down so he could use it again.

After melting down his old armour Daedalus realised that the amount of metal left was smaller than before so with that in mind he decided to spend a few months to make an even better armour. It would be taxing on his body, and he would have to postpone the rest of the trials. So, after explaining his reasoning to the Twelve Trials and they went on their way to deal with a couple quests, Daedalus began work on his new armour.


In the first few days of working on his new armour Daedalus spent most of his time preparing more metal for the armour. This was considered a difficult task as simply put the actual melting temperature of living metal was ungodly high. So Daedalus prepared a large furnace that he had brought with him, in order to melt the metal within a reasonable amount of time.

A couple days after he started Daedalus had finished melting all of the metal he had prepared. This meant that Daedalus could get to work on actually making the armour he designed while waiting for the metal to melt.

It was designed in a way that Daedalus would be able to take off the less important parts if he needed the agility but was also a heavy armour. Daedalus had done it that way so he could be prepared to take a bit or run from a hit if need be.

So getting to work Daedalus stood by his anvil and used his mana to pull the liquid metal out of the crucible and onto the anvil as a thick sheet of metal. Then carefully Daedalus lowered the temperature and forced the metal to stay in the shape of a sheet of metal.

A short time later Daedalus was happy with the heat and began to slowly hammer the sheet of metal into shape. Eventually the metal transformed into the central chest piece of his armour. It would be a tight fit but Daedalus was happy as this would be a main part of his armour and it wouldn't be detachable.

With his first bit of success Daedalus was happy and moved on to working on the hand and shoulder guards. This time he directly formed the rougher details of each using his mana but went back over with his hammer to make sure everything was right.