Leather (PT:2)

What the elves didn't know however was that Daedalus could hear everything that was being said, although, he didn't really care. However when he heard the mention of using a dragon based leather he couldn't help but facepalm.

He hadn't even considered using some of his dragon scales. Though now that he thought about it Daedalus nodded and decided to use his own scales. With a decision made Daedalus decided to mess with the staff member that was insulting him.

When the two employees saw Daedalus walking over without any leather the ruder one said, more quietly "I bet he is going to ask about something trivial."

The other employee simply shook his head and waited for Daedalus to arrive. When Daedalus got to them he didn't bother beating around the bush too much and said "Thank you for the suggestion, I will be sure to consider dragon for my armour."

As Daedalus finished saying that he activated his half dragon transformation, without the aura, and said "Dragons have good hearing you know."

The rude employee seeing that he had transformed into a dragon fainted immediately causing the other to sigh and say "Have a good day sir."

Daedalus nodded and deactivated his transformation before leaving the leather area. It didn't take him excessively long to reach the reception once more and after that he quickly left back towards the palace to get back to work on his armour.


Back in the workshop Daedalus could be seen contemplating. He had decided that he would be using dragon scales, however he never considered how he would obtain them. In the end Daedalus just decided to go for it and cut some off, it would hurt but only for a while. Young dragons are known for their strong healing abilities.

As he thought about the fact he was a young dragon and young elf Daedalus pulled out a mirror and suddenly said "What?! I look like I'm in my teens again!"

It took him a while but Daedalus put it to the back of his mind and made his way into the training yard. Unluckily a few guards where training so Daedalus would have a bit of an audience when he cut off his own scales. Daedalus however wanted to get to work on his armour and walked into the training yard.

As he walked in the training guards bowed, Daedalus quickly asked them to stop bowing and said "I just need to get something done quickly don't mind me too much."

After Daedalus said this he told them that he was about to transform and while most believed him a couple newer looking guys only chuckled. Sadly for them Daedalus quickly transformed to his full height as a dragon, nearly six hundred metres tall and one thousand metres long. The few that had chuckled suddenly fainted with around a quarter of the others while all of the rest simply stated in shock.

What Daedalus didn't know is that, usually a dragons maximum height is five hundred metres tall and seven hundred and fifty long. Daedalus however didn't mind them and decisively cut a rather long strip of scales off with a claw. Daedalus dealt with the pain quietly and quickly focused his energy to heal himself before transforming back and leaving as quickly as he came.