Under Armour

With the scales now on hand Daedalus sighed in relief as he had all of the materials he would need. Returning to the workshop Daedalus went over the designs again and again in his head. It was to be an under armour of sorts so Daedalus wasn't too worried about how it looked but for the parts that would be visible Daedalus was planning to place the best scales he had.

After having made his way back to the workshop Daedalus pulled out the later of scales he had cut off and placed it on a table. As he quickly noticed Daedalus had cut off far too many scales, this was made clear by the fact that the table and some of the floor around it were now out of sight.

Daedalus sighed in slight defeat but quickly disregarded it and got to work. The first thing Daedalus did was to cut the massive amount of scales down to a manageable size for the project. In the end Daedalus had about a quarter of the total removed for the armour.

After that Daedalus slowly made sure of the dimensions for each part of the armour. Daedalus put even more focus into the gloves as they where a highly essential part of the armour. After that Daedalus did the more detailed work and began the process of stitching the separate parts together.


When Daedalus was finished he sighed in relief and decided to try it on. As he had made it to be a tight fit Daedalus took a few minutes to put it on. When he had gotten it on however Daedalus felt a resonance of sorts with the armour.

He had half expected this as the scales of a dragon where magical however knowing that didn't suprise him any less when he found out the effect. It would only be a viable armour to Daedalus or those he allowed to wear it.

Knowing this Daedalus cheered in happiness only to hear someone chuckle behind him. Turning around in a hurry Daedalus was thankful to find that it was only Ceridwen. Sighing Daedalus said "Don't scare me like that! And how long have you been there?"

Ceridwen shook her head and said "I just got here when you started cheering. I assume your armour was a success? It looks a lot different to before."

Daedalus nodded and said "Although it's not the whole armour this was indeed a success. I didn't expect dragon scales to work so well."

Ceridwen's eyebrows shot up and she shouted "You used dragon scales!? Are they yours!? How much did you cut off!? Are you hurt!?"

Daedalus was surprised by her outburst but waited for her to calm down before saying "I cut off a bit but it didn't really hurt. Honestly speaking though I cut off a really small amount compared to how big I am as a dragon."

Ceridwen nodded and said "Well don't do anything rash alright, what would I do if I have to tell your father you accidentally skinned yourself or something?"