A Few Months

It had been a few months since Daedalus had finished work on his armour. Daedalus had inscribed dozens of runes shortly after talking with Ceridwen and the armours potential skyrocketed. One of the enhancements was a mana absorption enhancement. This was the same type of enhancement as what he used when making Icarus, although it was far stronger.

Other than finishing the armour however, Daedalus spent a large amount of his time making himself even more well known. Daedalus also spent some of his time under his alias the Swordsman. To do that though Daedalus began wearing his green black and gold armour.

Within the elven empire the swordsman was known as a righteous warrior, who worked with caravans too deal with bandits. This gave him the chance to explore the surrounding cities and get to know how everything worked a little better. The four most important cities not taking into account the capital where by far the Garden city of Rowkasing, The great underwater city of Vauxpon, the Underground city of Embershear and the Grand Floating city of Maeflaensa.

Daedalus had visited each of these cities under the Swordsman guise and a caravan guard. Daedalus was very happy to visit each of these unique cities and to his suprise a different type of elf lived in each one. In the garden city there where the Wood elves which much to Daedalus liking where, although proud like most elves, quite a lot more relaxed than those he had met before. In the underwater city Daedalus had met the merefolk Daedalus came to know that they where known as such because they had chosen to become independent for a time.

In the underground city Daedalus met with the dark elves or drow, they where originally an enslaved race of elves however that had quickly changed when there was a rebellion. Finally the was the floating city, to Daedalus suprise the elves local to the floating city had wings and could be seen flying around.

As of now Daedalus was still on the floating Island and he would soon be returning to the capital. With only a few hours left Daedalus decided to introduce himself to the governor of the city. He had done this with all of the other city leaders and Daedalus understood they had a way to contact eachother as in Embershear the cities governor had directly invited him to their home.


When Daedalus arrived in front of the governor's estate Daedalus suddenly felt a pull towards the south or left of the governor's estate. The pull was incredibly strong so Daedalus followed in curiosity.

Almost an hour later Daedalus had arrived in front of an enormous cave on the floating Island. Daedalus however only felt the pull strengthen to an unbearable degree. Daedalus didn't think twice before walking into the cave and soon found himself face to face with a large dragon. The dragon spoke slowly and said "Your bloodline is strong, it will be a perfect supplement for my cultivation."

Before Daedalus could speak in return the dragon opened its mouth and bit at him. Daedalus dodged back quickly and said "I wouldn't do that if I where you."

The dragon just laughed at his words and tried to eat him again causing Daedalus to sigh before his eyes turned cold. Quickly Daedalus transformed into his full height, as he had been cultivating whenever he could Daedalus dragon form was now far larger. Soon the dragon stood in front of Daedalus looked like little more than an ant to Daedalus massive Two thousand metres height and two and a half thousand long