
As Daedalus looked up at the city he had entered, he couldn't help but note on how badly it smelled. While thinking about how such a smell could come to be Daedalus noticed that a kid had run up to him. Before Daedalus could ask what the kid wanted they used a knife to try and cut open Daedalus clothes.

Daedalus immediately understood that the kid was trying to steal his money, however he didn't even bother because, Daedalus didn't have any money in his pockets, or pockets at all for that matter. Sadly for the boy Daedalus clothes where made out of a forest wyverns scales. Daedalus had tried to reason with the wyvern but it just wouldn't listen. So the knife rather than cutting through the 'cloth' simply shattered, like brittle glass.

The child was left there staring dumbfounded at the shattered pieces of knife on the floor. Daedalus hadn't really cared to begin with and just continued on his way, he was only here to see if they had anything interesting in the library anyways.

unfortunately and much to Daedalus annoyance this same thing happened again and again until he finally reached the library. To his further annoyance however the guards at the gate wouldn't let him in because "What are you a tribesman from the north or something? And you think you would be allowed into the greatest library this kingdom has to offer!?"

To be fair Daedalus' clothes where made from a beast he had hunted not to mention the fact that it was a rare one that looked like a common giant snakeskin. Daedalus only wanted to go in and read though, and the guards wouldn't be stopping him.

So Daedalus said "What are the requirements to be able to go in?"

The older looking guard sneered and said with no small amount of disdain directed at Daedalus "You need to be a noble for one thing, not to mention the hundred gold entrance fee."

Against the guards expectations Daedalus nodded and said "Who do I need to speak with to verify I have met these two requirements?"

The younger guard then spoke saying "As if you're a noble. No noble would wear such ghastly clothes."

Daedalus however ignored him and looked at the older guard. The older guards facial expression had turned slightly pale and he was taking deep breaths. Daedalus had directed some of his aura in the older guards direction, and as he had been in near constant battle for the past five years Daedalus' aura was horrifying to those weaker than him.

The guard then took a moment to kneel all the while trembling in fear. The younger guard however was dumbfounded and just sneered at the two and said "I won't kneel to a beggar, begone!"

Daedalus disregarded him and simply walked past after that. He just wanted to read. So Daedalus entered the library and found a few books that he hadn't read yet then he found a nice spot to sit.

After all of that was done Daedalus just read and took his time absorbing the knowledge. Though he knew he would likely be forced to leave soon anyway, definitely if the person walking toward him was as strong as his instincts where saying.