
Daedalus had luckily finished reading the book by the time the man made his way over. So standing up Daedalus said "Is there something you need?"

The man nodded and said "Yes, could you tell me why you broke in?"

Daedalus assented and started "As I was trying to walk in the guards stopped me, then judges me based off of their knowledge and didn't listen when I made it clear I could afford to be here and even asked who I could talk with to verify this."

The man nodded and said "Well I will have to ask you to prove that you are indeed allowed to be in here. If you aren't then I will be forced to arrest you. Even by force if necessary."

Daedalus was happy to get verified as it would mean he doesn't need to leave as soon. So Daedalus pulled out his adventurer card and said "Out of curiosity would this be enough?"

The man looked at the card and said "Yes, although I am wondering, when did you last update you rank?"

Daedalus could see some doubt in his eyes and said "Five years ago. I fought and beat the strongest person within the guild hall at the time so they could only give me this high of a rank."

The doubt visibly cleared from his eyes and he asked "So why didn't you get it updated in the past five years? You don't need to answer I'm just curious."

Daedalus sighed and said "I have been dealing with a death, quite badly. So I have been training so that it won't happen ever again."

The man nodded sadly "My condolences, I'll leave you be, your welcome to stay here for as long as you please. Just don't break anything."

With that the man walked away and left Daedalus to his reading. What Daedalus didn't know was that after the man left him there he found the younger guard and beat him up. It's never a good idea to lie to a more powerful person about someone even stronger, definitely if it's in an attempt to start a fight.


Daedalus could of course have heard the beating however his entire mind was focused on the book in his hands. It was a book about metals. To Daedalus' suprise and pleasure the book had details on several type of ores and metals he had never heard of before.

One of these ores where native to the titans homeland. It is a sturdy ore capable of withstanding some of the more powerful hits and capable of dealing massive damage. It was called Titanite and to Daedalus assumption it is either part of or was the metal that made the Twelve Trials armour and weapons.

Another was a more malleable metal that through specific treatments could be made more solid and durable than any other non magical metal. It was originally created by a dwarven blacksmith named Caesar Irongut.

The final metal was a combination of adamantine and Titanite that where fused together through magical means. It was a dark red and purple metal that would rarely be seen even in small amounts.