I like Wolves

While listening in on the reunion Daedalus realised that if he where to show himself wearing the skin of Shazir he would only create disgust. So he had decided to take a moment to go and find another animal that he could make into some clothes.

In the end he found only a small colony of horned hares. Luckily they had a robust skin due to being in an earthen attributed energy filled area. So Daedalus gathered a large number of fruits and thing they would eat and traded in a way. Basically he set out the food and waited once the hares had filled he area he quickly grabbed three of the medium sized ones and said a little prayer before snapping their necks.

This was clearly more humane than he had done before but that was because they where known to be peaceful. So Daedalus had made an offering and taken some of the less important ones.

With the hares dead and on hand Daedalus quickly skinned them after making his way away from the other hares. The he used his fire breath to dry the skin's after removing everything he felt was useful. Then he fashioned a simple pair of shorts using the soft fur that was left behind to make it comfortable.

After this Daedalus made his way back towards the wolf den to find Grey waiting in the clearing with the other wolves. Daedalus hadn't realised until now, due to their definitive features only being visible at a young age, but they where actually a species of wolf known as Red Earth wolf. They where usually a mix of brown and red until they where three to five years old however after that they would turn more of a grey colour. There where also domesticated versions that usually stayed the beautiful red and brown colours.


Seeing as they where waiting Daedalus could guess that they where waiting for him and so he made his presence known. Grey immediately stood up and bowed before saying "What should I call you, master?"

Daedalus shook his head and said "I am not your master I am your partner and my name is Daedalus."

Grey breathed quietly before saying "I would like to ask where you where planning on taking us?"

Daedalus nodded and said "I will be taking you all to a mountain range where I am hoping you will all train hard to become a team of information gatherers and scouts. Other than that, I want to see what happens when I bring out the potential of a Red Earth wolf."

Hearing Daedalus they knew this would mean that they would get plenty of food, however if what he said was true, they would have to work hard to earn the food. Noticing there understanding Daedalus continued "I am afraid I will be taking your alpha Grey from you so that I can train him personally. I am sure you understand that this means you will have a lot of difficulties, but I want you to know one more thing, I will not be bringing you food you will be hunting individually and together to increase your strength."