Reunion (PT:1)

After getting to know his soon to be training scouting wolves Daedalus had gathered a few fallen trees and made a small sled. Daedalus had done this so that he could run at his full speed, and possibly increase it, as he brought them to the golem race's mountain range. He really should ask if Ultraun had named it and if he hadn't, ask him to name it already.

With all of this occuring Daedalus was soon on his way towards the mountain range where he was meeting up with Ultraun. He had of course asked Ultraun to prepare him some new clothes but it would probably take a while.

A short while after starting the run towards the mountains Daedalus felt that his muscles where really straining to keep up with all of the added weight. This obviously wasn't just his legs though. He couldn't pull the sled with only his legs while running could he? So he had added loops around his arms shoulders and waist. This caused a significant amount of stress to be reduced from one part of his body to the whole of it.

Still his legs were not healing as quickly as before which was leading to more dangerous damage. So Daedalus decided to take a second and rest so that his body could recover.

A couple minutes later the momentum if the sled came to a halt and Grey jumped down to sit with Daedalus during the break. As the break lasted Daedalus and Grey spoke about many things, mostly relating to how everything Daedalus was planning would work. Eventually though, about thirty minutes later Daedalus was fully healed and stronger than before.

Resuming the run Daedalus estimated that it would probably take another three hours at his current pace to reach the mountains. Luckily Daedalus knew that Ultraun would be waiting a couple kilometres before that reducing the time by a minute or two depending on how far from the mountain Ultraun was willing to wait for him.


Two hours and forty nine minutes later Daedalus arrived in front of Ultraun who was waiting only twelve kilometres from the mountains. Daedalus glared at him for a second before saying "Clothes?"

Ultraun nodded and threw a set of clothes to Daedalus. Daedalus was surprised by the clothes as it was from his wardrobe before he left Yidrealiv. So he said "Did I accidentally let you see a memory of my closet or something?"

From behind him Daedalus heard a cough and a woman said "Are you just going to ignore me, Daedalus!?"

Daedalus' eyes widened as he spun around to see Andromeda standing behind him. He immediately ran over and hugged her while burying his head in her shoulder. It was lucky that Daedalus had with his transformation ability made his body look like his previous self somewhat he still couldn't make himself look older than twenty but at least he didn't look like a teen anymore.

Soon Daedalus saw other people from his family running over before being tackled by Rose. He knew they must have just arrived but Rose had clearly achieved a lot with her body cultivation before coming here. Even he had been weaker than her when he first got here. Still Daedalus smiled happily to see everyone there with him, but why was Nox looking at Grey like a piece of meat?