Arrogance Begets Ignorance

The teleportation formation worked as usual smoothly sending Daedalus to the capital of the elven empire. As he arrived Daedalus made sure to ask one of the servants along the way about the location of the meeting.

From what Ceridwen had said, after the initial meeting, there would be a banquet that the young dwarven elites would meet and have a friendly contest with the young elven elites. In other words, Ceridwen and Artair would have the two teams fight to see who is stronger.

From what Daedalus had been told about, and what he had read, the dwarves occasionally won in these fights. This was an unusual occurrence however occasionally a dwarf would cultivate in order to deal with a specific weakness. The weakness against freezing magic, one of the reasons the elves had a higher win rate.

It had been found out during the era where wars where constantly happening, Ceridwen had been fighting a strong titan but the moment she used ice magic the Titan's advantage was removed. The Titan's advantage had of course been there strong body, they usually took advantage of their strength by using momentum resulting in fast and destructive attacks. This was easily blocked if an ice mage used magic at the right moments, like when they just finished an attack.

Putting that aside Daedalus had to prepare for the meeting he would be having with the rest of his team. Daedalus was very interested in the person called Fire though, supposedly they were very strong. But Daedalus would find out for sure soon enough.


A few minutes later Daedalus had made his way to a smaller hall, it was about forty meters long and about twelve wide. As keeping in with the theme the walls where made from tightly packed together trees and the roof was the canopy of said trees.

In the hall however there where hundreds of tables filled with all sorts of nobility. At the far end was of course the young elites table, Daedalus could practically see the arrogance radiating off of two of them. Behind that table was the table for royalty, so only Ceridwen was sitting there, surprisingly there would occasionally be a few people who walked over and tried to talk with her.

Though as Daedalus made these observations everyone else was surprised to see someone else entering after the empress. Daedalus didn't mind the hostile gazes however the encouraging two weren't something he liked. So he burned there faces into his memory.

Daedalus didn't mind any longer and walked toward the table of the young elites, then again they where probably just called the elites considering there strength. Setting this thought aside Daedalus continued his way over.

As he reached the table Daedalus was annoyed to find one of the two arrogant looking ones standing in his way. Everywhere he goes this seems to happen, but Daedalus didn't care and just pushed him out of the way. With the annoyance out of the way Daedalus took his seat and sat there quietly waiting for the backlash, might as well make an explosion to accommodate his arrival.