
Daedalus couldn't always stop himself from doing stupid things, he had the arrogance of a dragon after all, even if he had all the knowledge in the universe it probably wouldn't solve the issue. Though it did occasionally lead to the discovery of plots against the royalty or other important things.

Either way only an ignorant or exceedingly arrogant person wouldn't have learned about him, it's not like he his the ability to transform into a dragon. That had certainly scared off several potential attackers, not that they could have done anything to him at the time.

And this is all why Daedalus was surprised to get punched in the back of the head. After receiving the blow Daedalus noticed the room turn silent as he turned around. The attacker as arrogant as he seemed didn't pay any heed to the silence and gloated saying things about feeling regret for pushing him aside and other nonsensical gloats.

Daedalus on the other hand felt like laughing, he could see that the other elites at the table except one where acting servile towards him, and Daedalus had felt nothing from the attack not to mention the arrogant elf's wrist was shattered. Only one guy had really caught Daedalus attention, he had a fiery blond platinum hair tied back in a pony tail with a katana on his back. The worst was his armour, Richard had had Reginn make something like it before.

This description was enough for Daedalus to understand that Fire was a person from earth. Of course Daedalus could see who he was, there was an enormous fire energy within his body. What Daedalus didn't know was that Fire had felt increasingly uncomfortable with his gaze, it felt to Fire as though Daedalus knew everything about him.


Fire POV


Fire had been a writer before he died. It was a really sad way to go but he loved he community that had developed around him, it was unfortunate that his disorder had only grown worse in time. Thus he would be found a week later after one of his readers had sent a message to the police that he was missing.

Of course Fire had died but to his suprise his soul had been claimed by the god Ares. Ares is of course the Greek god of war, and when Fire found this out he was only more confused. Ares then sent him out into this new world to gain strength for some tournament or another. So that is what he had done, Ares had given him a fire attributed talent and a cultivation technique before sending him to be reborn.

The technique was placed within his soul and he was capable of doing a full recall of its contents. All of this had made him think he was the protagonist of a book however on the day of the banquet a man had appeared who basically screamed strong at him. And it wasn't just that he felt his bloodline stirring in hopes of fighting this man. It wasn't like he would expect Daedalus' bloodline to think his was mere garbage.