
It was unsurprising that when the arrogant elf noticed that Daedalus wasn't even looking at him that he became even more angry. So of course he went to punch Daedalus in the head again.

As the blow connected the elf suddenly screamed in pain and fell to his knees while clutching his hand. Anyone could tell from the scream and how he was holding his hand that he had been injured. It was just that none of them could believe that an elite could break his hand against someone's head.

So of course the more servile of the elites stood up and started shouting about how Daedalus had pulled a trick to break his hand. As they where shouting Daedalus heard them call the arrogant elf by the name of Frost. Through this Daedalus remembered the information on him.

Frost was a few years younger than Fire, he had a Water and Ying attributed talent which allowed him to be extremely proficient at ice based magic. Of course this came with the caveat that his body was weaker as a male with higher Ying than Yang is detrimental, he also looked like a female when he was younger. As he thought this Daedalus couldn't help but think of the funny stories.


Finished recalling the information Daedalus turned to Frost. Frost met his eyes as he turned and his eyes widened. Daedalus had decided to see if Frost could figure out who he was based off of only his dragon eyes. So with a partial transformation Daedalus had blazing and intense dragon-like eyes.

Frost however, didn't seem to understand and said "He has some kind of cat bloodline! I've never heard of an elf with a cat bloodline!?"

This was not a good thing to say to a dragon, Daedalus may love cats as much as the next dragon but to mistake his bloodline for a cat's? Daedalus wouldn't stand for this and seemingly neither would Ceridwen. When everyone at the elite's table saw the empress standing, they thought 'Ha, this arrogant guy's about to get a beating!' Thinking Daedalus to be the arrogant guy.

It was only when Ceridwen yelled silence that all of the calmoring stopped. Seeing as everyone was now paying attention to his aunt, Daedalus had to hold his anger down for a minute.

Ceridwen then looked at the elite's table and said "Why are my elites fighting between themselves, this is meant for you to get to know eachother and prepare for the tournament!?"

Anyone with any kind of rational mind would have payed attention to the fact that she didn't say anything about an outsider at the table. However Frost was to arrogant to pay attention to the small details, so he spoke up saying "This man stole my seat and broke my hand through trickery, my empress, please take revenge for me!"

Daedalus hearing this burst into laughter hearing the idiots words and grabbed him by the neck. Fire who saw this was surprised as even he wouldn't dare to grab an ice mages neck like that.

Frost who had been grabbed thought the same and tried to attack Daedalus with his magic. Daedalus then activated his Tyrannical fiendgod bloodline and took control of the attack.