
The moment Frost had tried to attack everyone in the room felt the air go cold. Fire who had still not stood up sensed an enormous amount of fire attributed energy gathering inside of Daedalus.

The amount of energy made his face go so pale you would think he were a ghost. Though most who where there would think he was just as cold as them if not more. Furthermore the energy was still gathering within Daedalus.

Daedalus on the other hand was thinking he should have done this sooner as his ability to hold energy was increasing by leaps and bounds. But he knew he had to stop otherwise the cold could start killing.

Frost who was being held by Daedalus was having his skin roasted by the heat of Daedalus' body, not that he could feel it in the cold. Daedalus, fortunately for Frost, noticed the look on his aunt's face and tossed Frost backward into a wall, then threw the wall, and eventually Frost landed in a small puddle, which froze almost instantly due to how cold Frost was.

Everyone there was shocked due to the fact that they thought this was done due to Frost's attack. But the fact that frost had been tossed through a wall but the cold had remained, it meant that it couldn't have been Frost!


A couple minutes of slowly letting the air warm back up the banquet hall was back to normal, minus an elite and part of a wall even though Daedalus had offered to fix it.

With the problems over for the time being Ceridwen asked Daedalus to follow her to the royal table. A lot of the people who where there had already figured out who he was, however a few where surprised to find out he was part of the Empress' family, namely the other arrogant elite that Daedalus had noticed.

Still the arrogant elite dismissed this quickly and reverted to his previous idly arrogant posture. It seemed to Daedalus that he was dismissive of the royalty, 'Is this guy another Metal?' is all Daedalus could think.


As everyone was there for the banquet now Ceridwen began a speech "As you know I have been the empress of this land for as long as it has stood."

There where a couple gasps as people realised what was happening. Ceridwen continued "I won't be leaving for good however I would like to introduce some people to all of you."

As she said this, her father, Daedalus' grandfather, and Danel walked out of a hallway beside the royal table. Ceridwen then said "This is my father and my brother. My father will be temporarily taking my place as the emperor for the next few years."

With that said Ceridwen sat in a chair beside the large one she had previously been seated. As soon as she sat down she shoulders slumped slightly and she let out a breath of air. Daedalus' grandfather sat in the large chair while Daedalus moved so that his father was beside his father.

Daedalus had been told about this a week ago so he just kept looking at the elite's table. He was still more interested in Fire but the arrogant guy from before, now had a look of disdain. It seemed he could sense the cultivation base of the new emperor.