
The banquet was extremely tame. Daedalus was very surprised by this as he was expecting it to be quite fun and loud. What really concerned Daedalus though, was the arrogance displayed by the elves that where present.

Daedalus had long been told that the two races where allied, so he was expecting everyone to be quite happy to be there. The elves looked like they would prefer to just leave, while the dwarves looked uncomfortable for the most part.

Of course it didn't take long for Daedalus to consider the reasons. The dwarves where the weaker of the two races as the elves always won, this had probably caused the elves to think that the dwarves where using the alliance to leech off of them. Thinking of this Daedalus realised that the elven superiority group had probably been using this to gain traction.

Yes, there was indeed a group vying for elven supremacy. It was a growing issue that Daedalus had noticed since not long after he arrived, it's just that he couldn't, really, find a way to deal with it. The issue was that the entire continent was focused around the tournament which decided who got what of the combined resources.


Back in the banquet Daedalus was having a conversation with Fire and a few other elites about what they thought of the opposition. Unfortunately the one who answered was the arrogant, Frost, saying "It will be easy to take first, the humans are weak and can't do anything, the dwarves don't stand a chance in hell against us and the Titans, although they're strong even they can't defeat my ice magic."

The problem was that Frost had shouted these words. The dwarven elites where enraged by being told they didn't stand a chance. The room was filled with chaos, people where yelling and Daedalus even noticed a dwarf punching an elf. The room however loud went silent when the two emperors yelled "Silence!"

With the room silent Daedalus' grandfathers, Baidu and Dwalin, stood and said "We have an alliance, not to benefit one race more than he other. In recent years it has become clear that there are those of you who do not believe the alliance should continue. We would like for those of you to stand forward and give your reasons, if we believe that they are good enough we will accept and annul the alliance on friendly terms."

With that said about fifteen of the fifty dwarves there stood forward, including three from the elite table. On the other hand thirty elves had stood forward out of fifty elves, of them four where from the elite table.

With that done one dwarf and one elf stood forward from each group, the dwarf was an older dwarf, while the elf was the second arrogant elf from the elite table. The old dwarf spoke first saying "We believe the alliance should be anulled because we have to give up half of what we make to the elven populace."

The arrogant elf Ziandier, Daedalus had quickly asked the name of from one of the elven elites, said "We believe the dwarves to be leeches on our sides, in the past the alliance may have made this and equal trade however we do not believe so any longer."