
An enormous uproar was caused by the words of Ziandier. The dwarves where furious at being called leeches, Daedalus and his family no less. As for what the dwarf had said, Daedalus felt it was a good reason, it was an unfair agreement, Daedalus only wondered why Ceridwen hadn't made a fairer deal.

It wasn't Daedalus fault that he hadn't known, Ceridwen however knew it couldn't be true. If anything she had been buying half of what the dwarves had made as part of the alliance. So once everything had returned to tense silence Ceridwen spoke "First of all what the elf named Ziandier said, it is untrue and will not be accepted for the proposal of the dissolution of the alliance. Now for what the dwarves said, I have been paying for half of what you make every year, there should be no grounds for which you where to you where having to give up half of it, I bought it and my coffers are proof enough"

Altair then stood up before anyone could speak and said "I agree on what Lady Ceridwen said to the elf. Dwarves is it true you haven't been payed? If so why didn't you tell me of this, I had left this for you to manage yourselves."

Ziandier who had been told off without being supported tried to speak however the old dwarf spoke first "Your majesty, as you know this alliance has been about for well over a hundred thousand years, however, according to the ancient documents, an elven family was placed in direct control overseeing the shipment of goods and the payment. We have direct evidence that that same family, stole the funds of their empress and forced us to give our goods for protection against them. They are the so-called Grand family of Dale!"

When Daedalus heard the dwarf say the name of the family he happened to see that Ziandier had flinched before sneering at the dwarven party. Ceridwen's face went cold at the words of the dwarf, then she said "Daedalus, go and capture he traitors, Ziandier is one of them."

Daedalus understood the importance of this mission and immediately appeared in front of Ziandier. Ziandier, the slippery bastard had sent an explosive torrent of energy at him the moment he had heard what Ceridwen had said.

Daedalus, who had used a blink skill, was hit head on by this explosive energy sending him hurtling back to his previous position. Ceridwen and the rest of his family that saw this said "Stop playing!"

Daedalus only rolled his eyes at this and activated his Fiend God bloodline transformation. As he did the room went cold, then the whole capital felt like it was covered in ice. Ziandier, who had just left the palace in an attempt to escape, felt the baleful wind of death moments before Daedalus entered his line of sight.

It was too shocking. Daedalus had appeared in less than a blink of his eye. The last thing Ziandier expected to see was his body without his head attached. His last thought was to try and scream resulting in his head at Daedalus feet with his mouth open in horror.