The Tournament City

The Coliseum was located in the city where all four race's territories merged, the center of the continent. The city itself was located on the top of a mountain that had been cut apart during the warring period of the continent.

The surrounding lands where a mixture of the four different territories. On the Human side of things there where vast plains that stretched to the edges of your vision, there where many smaller animals and farms where visible every few hundred kilometres.

On the Dwarven side the where the mountain ranges, the entire tournament city gained all of their minerals from these. Similarly the Titan's side had mountain ranges, however it was a zone where most avoided as the Titans would kill anyone in their sight.

Finally was the Elven side, the enormous trees native to the elven forests where visible. Many adventurers made their way into the forest on quests to look for herbs and hunt beasts. There where also rest stops within the forest where anyone could go to rest during their quests.


After the incident with the traitors the elven royalty had sent reparations to the wronged dwarves causing the evident hardships they where undergoing to take a drastic turn for the better. Seeing this turn the dwarves where happy to forgive for the most part, however it had become somewhat of a taboo subject to speak of.

With that completed Daedalus and the champions of the two races made their way to the tournament city. It was a short trip, of course, as Rudra had kindly set up a teleportation formation when he and Danforth had decided to visit the city. In fact from what Daedalus knew they where still there getting stronger and completing quests.

Daedalus had kept his knowledge of the two and their adventures to the minimum. Danforth had become a well known axe user, be it tomahawk of normal axe all sorts of them where used in his adventures, he had become known as 'The Barbarian' due to his fighting style. Rudra on the other hand was well known as 'The Elementalist' as his abilities with using the elements was simply outstanding. They where best known for the time when Rudra bombarded a high danger level bandit camp with flaming meteors while Danforth brutally cut the runners limb from limb while smiling.

Of course Daedalus wouldn't know about this until he spoke with the two as he had told them not to spoil it for him. They had of course taken it as a challenge to do crazy things while getting stronger. A good thing is that the denser mana on the planet had reduced their looks to that of middle aged men.


Back to Daedalus


After taking the teleportation formation to arrive in the outskirts of he city the group was met by a large group of guards and several carriages. There where two carriages for royalty while their where a total of four for all of the champions. After that it was a matter of them getting to each of the mansions for each group.

The Dwarves of course had their own separate place to stay. It was the same as the elves, a simple mansion on top of the mountain near to their respective lands.