Catching Up

After the two groups split off from each other the elves made their way over to a reasonably large mansion. Daedalus was happy to find learn that there where a few guests waiting for him.

The servant who had told him of the guests had then led him to the back garden. There sitting under the gazebo where two dirty adventurers. Daedalus couldn't help but smile when he saw them, before they got to the tent he asked the servant to go back and get some drinks.

Danforth was the one to notice Daedalus, waving his hand at Daedalus Danforth shouted "Daedalus! How are you, how long has it been since we last saw you?"

Daedalus smiled and said "It's been a couple years, and I feel great, how about you, Danforth, Rudra."

Rudra had turned around by now, Daedalus could see that he was wearing some simple leather armour, much different from Danforth who was covered in furs and heavy armour. Rudra smiled at Daedalus before beckoning him over to sit beside them.

Daedalus sat down next to the two of them and asked "So what has happened since I last saw you? It must have been something good to have some high quality armours."

Rudra's armour was made from the skin of a hydra while Danforth's had hints of adamantite and titanite within the gold steel plating. Gold steel is a heavier type of steel that has a very strong defense, it had been developed by the dwarves for kings and emperor's who wanted to look swaggy on the battlefield without the dieing aspect. Over time the gold-steel had become a very well known material as it was constantly refined to be a super protective and durable metal.

Daedalus wasn't disappointed with what the two told him about their adventures. There where stories of love and heartbreak as well as friendship and back stabbing followed by revenge. Daedalus was most annoyed however when he learned the two lecherous fellows had made harems, couldn't they be happy with one lady?

After catching up with the two Daedalus told them what he had been up to before saying goodnight and heading inside. The three of them had been drinking since midday so it was more of a stumble inside than walking but the other two would have a much harder time.


The next morning Daedalus woke up with a small headache, he quickly thanked his enhanced body for sparing him the usual head splitting headache and got ready for the day. It would be the first day of the tournament and Daedalus was planning to look his best.

When Daedalus finally left his room, it had already been two hours, he had had trouble finding the appropriate armour for looking nice. In the end he had decided to wear his own gold-steel armour, it was one of his more simplistic armours, however it was bright and heavy not to mention that the whole armour made him feel sharp. With that Daedalus walked down to the dining hall.