
After arriving in the arena for a while Daedalus began to feel annoyed. The Titan races champions had still not arrived.

Eventually ten minutes passed since the rest of the champions had arrived, and the Titan's finally got there. Daedalus could somewhat understand where there arrogance came from, they had taken first place during most tournaments. However the fact that they felt the need to make the other races wait so long was clearly causing more tension when the goal of the tournament was to keep peace on the continent.

The worst was that when they arrived Daedalus could see that many of the champions that where swaggering in had weak cultivation and bodies. There where only three champions that seemed to have ever been trained albeit Daedalus could see that they where quite strong, at least on par with all of the main champions.

The atmosphere in the arena was tense and silent. Then one of the weaker titans decided to make some noise "Come on where is the welcoming us champions should receive!?"

Daedalus wasn't surprised when no-one clapped, he had long noticed that there where no titans other than them in the arena. It wasn't a good sign, Daedalus had a bad feeling.

Eventually the silence was destroyed when the announcer began the tournament. The announcer explained how the tournament would work. Simply each race would battle between themselves to find a main champion, a second, third and so on. Then each of the champions would fight each of the opponents with the same number as themselves. This would start from the twelfth champions down to the main champions where the tournament would come to a close.

As it was the first day it would only be battles between those of the same race. Of course most of the races had already decided the order of the champions, however it was a last minute chance to increase your ranking.

Daedalus was expecting Fire to challenge him for main champion and was soon proven right when Fire jumped onto the Elven platform. Each of the races have a fourth of the platform separated from the others for this stage of the tournament. Fire than said "I would like to challenge the main champion of the elven race, Daedalus."

There was a hush in the crowd as usually the main champions wouldn't be challenged. Daedalus on the other hand only smiled and walked up onto the platform. It was like the crowd had only just noticed him, a huge uproar was caused by the armour he was wearing.

It was well known that there was nothing that looked quite like gold-steel, and to see an entire armour set made out of it was unheard of. Due to the uproar all of the other races champions looked to see what the commotion was about. The dwarves looked like they had been electrocuted, the humans had greed in their eyes, and the Titans also had greed in their eyes they just didn't hide it.