
Within the enormous coliseum Daedalus could be seen standing opposite Fire. Just as their fight was about to start, one of the three stronger titans jumped up onto the stage platform. Daedalus knew that they where arrogant, but this greatly annoyed him.

The Titan seeing his expression change to annoyance sneered and said "A weakling like you shouldn't have such nice armour, give it to me."

At the words of the Titan, that dripped with arrogance and malice, Daedalus face hardened. Only those that had come to know Daedalus knew what this meant. Daedalus was angry, he like the compliment of his armour, but the insult against his strength was too much. It should be well known, but dragons enjoyed showing off their strength, and their wealth.

Daedalus, however, was also a craftsman and the fact that his armour was seen as something the opposing party could just take greatly angered him. Ceridwen who was sitting up in the elven royalty viewing platform, saw his expression and thought back to the time he found out about his cousin. She could tell it wasn't as furious of a look but it wasn't far off, even she was angry.

The titan who saw his face harden smiled even more before saying "What are you too scared to say no, weakling."

It was then that he titan's head vanished. All of Daedalus hidden anger towards the titans was finally rearing its head. All of the people in the coliseum saw the sudden disappearance of the titan's head. A loud cheering could be heard from the stands while all of the champions had surprised looks on their faces.

The titans where especially surprised as the one who had been killed was given the title of leader by the chieftess. Then they became angry. And just as they charged their lives where culled.

At this utter decimation even the cheering of the Titan hating crowds couldn't help but be appalled. This time the reason he killed the Titan's wasn't because of anger though. He felt there was something or someone who was approaching that was extremely dangerous.

Knowing of the danger Daedalus yelled "Send everyone away, something is coming!"

Realising that Daedalus was feeling danger from something Ceridwen immediately sent a message to the human rulers telling them to take their champions and leave. Then Ceridwen picked up all of the champions of the elven race, shortly followed by Artair.

Seeing that the rulers of two entire races where retreating the humans quickly followed suit and the coliseum quickly emptied. As he waited Daedalus felt the air going stale and the sense of danger kept increasing. Then it stopped, it was as if his body had decided, it's too late to try and escape now.

Daedalus didn't like the feeling at all spread his senses. It was a moment, a blip appeared within a split second and then a ten foot tall muscular titan had appeared, it looked as though runes where carved into his flesh.

As the titan stood there Daedalus felt his blood beginning to pump vigorously. His body was preparing to fight to the death, no words where needed.