Why are there so many Arrogant People?

Daedalus didn't know but his thoroughly mangled appearance had actually gained the respect of a few of the older generation kings and emperors. For now though he would have to deal with the bunch of condescending princes and the younger kings.

The first to bother Daedalus was a smug looking twenty year old prince which Daedalus didn't bother to learn the name of. The first thing this particular prince said was exceedingly rude "The peasants are gathering outside of the crater, go join them, you don't belong here."

Based off of the tone of the prince Daedalus thought at first that he was genuinely trying to guide him, however that idea was quickly thrown out when the prince said "Peasants like you are worthless, can't even manage to evacuate properly. You should just drop dead."

Daedalus was actually surprised at the vulgarity of the prince but decided it was best to ignore him. It usually got worse if you reacted anyway.

His lack of reaction however didn't dissuade the young prince but rather, made him feel embarrassed. What you should know is that you should never embarrass a kid who thinks he is important.

Luckily the prince chose to go down the most stupid path, he punched Daedalus in the left side of his face. It was when the punch connected that Daedalus remembered that he was still absorbing all of the blood that was pouring out. As he was absorbing the blood as it left his body his cuts hadn't started healing yet, so Daedalus came up with an idea.

Daedalus had, in a fraction of a second, come up with a prank. As the prince was pulling his hand away after the punch, Daedalus stopped absorbing the blood. To the shock of most there Daedalus' body suddenly had blood pouring out from all of the cuts that they had thought where scars.

The young prince who had looked smug again after punching Daedalus, was now looking at Daedalus with a mixture of horror, disgust and fear. The fear mostly came because he knew that no-one let in by the guards, wouldn't have a background.

As the people who had come to humiliate Daedalus slowly backed away from his small table, Daedalus slowly stood up. His skin had turned a slick red by now making him look like a demon as blood poured off of him. Daedalus then said "Sorry, I was just fighting a stronger opponent so my wounds hadn't fully healed."

His words dumbfounded the young kings, queens, princes and princesses. A few of the smarter ones quickly put two and two together, the champions from each race where there as well so they had heard some news already. That he main champion of the elves had called for an evacuation, and had last been seen fighting the titan known as Earth.

This caused at least a bit of fear to appear in the smarter ones eyes. Some of the less informed only thought he was an elf noble and didn't particularly care. While those who hadn't bothered to be informed still had arrogant looks on their faces.