Why are People so Stupid?

It was a good thing that the smarter people also happened to be hose with a higher social standing. So when they realised who they where dealing with they quickly and silently bowed before making there way back to their seats.

Daedalus felt it was quite good they had left as even if they weren't as high on the social political standing as him they could still cause damage if they decided to attack him. Of course after realising who he was later on, they probably wouldn't dare to fight back, it's not like he was planning to kill hem.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just the smart ones that Daedalus was dealing with. One of the really young looking kings, probably fifteen, had taken a chance to stand forward so that he could try and assert his dominance. Unfortunately that just made Daedalus target him as the one he would focus on.

The young king then said in an unnecessarily arrogant and stuck up tone "And who is this, oh so powerful, opponent of yours?"

Daedalus chuckled and said "Well you see, he is called Earth. And right now he is being held by my aunt because I felt he would be a good sparring partner."

The small group of rather ignorant royals laughed at this. They obviously knew who Earth was, he was the Titan's main champion. How could this weak elf possibly fight him.

Realising Daedalus wasn't looking humiliated at their laughing, even the ignorant ones felt something was wrong. The stupid ones just felt angered by his lack of humiliation.

Again the young king who had tried to humiliate Daedalus took the lead by trying to shame Daedalus "How dare you lie to us, we are royals of tens of kingdoms, do you think us stupid enough to believe you, a weakling, can fight a powerful titan on the level of main champions!?"

As the young king was shouting, most of the older generation had begun to feel headaches coming on. They as long time politicians could see that, based off of Daedalus posture and such, he was actually just messing with the young royals. But it didn't stop hem from having headaches.

This didn't stop one rather confident Emperor from asking Ceridwen "Excuse me, Lady Ceridwen, can I ask you, please, to stop them from going any further, I worry that it could end badly."

Ceridwen appreciated the forwardness of the emperor and agreed internally but outwardly she said "It isn't something to worry about, he's playing with them. I will deal with it this time on your behalf, however it is only because I need to inform my nephew that his prisoner has awoken."

Saying this Ceridwen, motioned to Earth who was sitting delicately on a chair behind her. As he had multiple broken bones Earth knew that he wouldn't be able to fight back, but knowing that he had a good sparring partner now he had become obedient.

So he carefully stood up to his full, towering, ten feet and followed behind Ceridwen.