The Scout Returns

It was now the end of the month Daedalus had given them to prepare. The fortifications where mostly complete and there was a new group of golems who had taken residence in the colony.

As they where built with better technology and understanding that the original golems they where human like in appearance. This helped the army, that had been waiting a month to come in, to except them.

Unfortunately some of the humans felt that he golems where their servants which resulted in several infirmary visits. This caused some anger but Daedalus simply stated "You are being hosted, you are not their masters, and if you think I would stop them from killing you, then you are very wrong."

Like that Daedalus let the army get settled in the city. The mountain was large so Daedalus had asked the golems to try and make a few cities. The golems had complied of course as they saw him as a father like figure.

The first city was the fortress city that was built on rails and could move further down the tunnels in times of war. The other cities where built so that the fortress city could be resupplied easily. Daedalus had also made sure hat the shield metal was on the front of the city so that attacks could be repelled.

The shield metal was interesting as Daedalus had quickly learned a lot about it. The shield was of course powered by energy, however the type of energy changed the efficiency of the shield. So in junction with the liquid metal Daedalus was able to make an even better shield. Of course it would take some time to grow truly strong.


Like this another week passed, the golems efficiency was truly remarkable, and Daedalus got word that the scout from before had returned. After making sure that no-one had attacked the scout Daedalus made his way over and got a report.

The race of the beings on the other continent was deemed as Celestials. In reality they seemed to be nothing more that humans with stronger bodies. It also seemed they focused almost only on body cultivation while ignoring the others.

With this report done Daedalus gave the scout simple orders to give false information and gather more intel. The scout saluted Daedalus and began walking down the tunnel.

The leader of the army came out at this time and said "I don't believe I have met that person before, what are you playing at?"

Daedalus felt annoyed by the army leader, but he could understand, they where in charge of the whole army and needed to be informed. So Daedalus replied "That was an enemy scout that I forced to change side, and no he isn't a risk, I used a mind altering technique. If you could stop insinuating that I am working against you then I would be happy to give you more information."

The leader sighed and said "I apologise, I realise my words have been wrong but I don't like how you work. I will be very honest about that but, I do need that information, please forgive my previous words I am worried for the safety of my home."

Daedalus nodded and gestured for the leader to follow him to a small building nearby.