Step Two

After the talk with the leader of the army Daedalus had come to know his name was Damian. They had begun working together since then and where getting along, though Daedalus still hadn't told him that he was the grandson of two emperors.

The two of them had spoken about all of the information they had on the other continent, and as they had a general idea of who there enemy was, being a single organisation rather than the whole continent. Now they felt a bit more confident however Daedalus was still taking it very seriously in his preparations.

Now that the initial month had ended Daedalus had to begin with the second part of his plan. He was going to set up a training building, it was to have as many floors as it needed and would be available to the whole army and anyone else who wanted to use it.

For this Daedalus was prepared to take at least three months working on it. Luckily the golems where working hard on technology advancement and with Daedalus' multiplying sphere, that he had gotten from the Sword God Dimension, resources other than wood and other organic materials weren't an issue as usual.


For the first month Daedalus was trying to figure out how to get a superforge like machine that could build entire buildings in a tower like fashion. He of course didn't want it to be ugly so Daedalus had made the room design blueprint quite complicated.

After much deliberation and experimentation Daedalus finally made what he wanted. It was another superforge, so it was capable of melting and heating most things near instantly, the only difference was that it was the size of a normal forge. Daedalus did it this way because the machine would make the rooms one part at a time rather than make the whole thing like before.

The first test came on the second day of the second month and Andromeda had decided to watch this time. She had now caught up with Daedalus' progress in cultivation so she had begun experimenting to see if she could cultivate energy.

The machine on the other hand proved to work quite well and he had it build a large tower. The tower was built in the very center of the hollowed out mountain, and it went from the floor all the way to the very top of the mountain.

With the building built Daedalus began working to put things in that would help people to exercise. This tower was built by Daedalus to help with two forms of cultivation, being of course body and energy cultivation.

For the body cultivators every room was fitted with any number and type of exercising device, there where also gravity zones that Daedalus had built using enchantments. For the energy cultivators each room was outfitted with energy gathering arrays of Daedalus and Andromeda's design.

With the tower built Daedalus opened it for the army to use when they weren't busy with their duties. This was of course Daedalus' plan, to strengthen the army as much as possible while hopefully recruiting more over time due to the benefits.

Daedalus was also refining the rooms overtime as he was requested, he wanted to make sure that it was perfect.