War Preparations

With the basis of step two in his war preparations completed Daedalus now only had to wait for the conflict to begin. In this time Daedalus would be helping to train the soldiers in the army while getting stronger.

To make sure his speed of getting stronger was fast Daedalus placed bands on his body in strategic places, these bands had gravity enchantments and would way him down. Adding onto that Daedalus turned up the gravity to almost double his limit.

When Daedalus initially did this his body weight had increased so much that his feet had sunk into the floor of a training room. Luckily he had made his own separate room for him and Andromeda so he didn't go and fall through any floors.

When he did stabilise though Daedalus found himself unable to move without becoming exhausted. Thus Daedalus was found the next day by Andromeda, standing in the floor unconscious.

She obviously noticed the bands on his body and made the connection. So Andromeda being Andromeda she set up a chair and just watched as over the next two days Daedalus woke up and fell asleep again and again. Of course each time this happened Daedalus was having progress and stayed awake for longer.

Eventually he had managed to adapt and started to try and control his new weight to a better degree. Of course while this was happening Damian had been looking for him so Daedalus would have to hurry over.

Daedalus ended up having to clumsily make his way over. Seeing as he was also quite distracted he also managed to make a number of holes as he ran over.


After that Daedalus had spent a week getting used to his new strength. Control was a difficult thing to master and even if Daedalus had experience it would still take him time. Daedalus eventually decided to go and test his strength.

To do this Daedalus decided to go to his uncle. This wasn't because he thought he could beat his uncle but because he knew his uncle was physically strong.


At the same time that Daedalus was doing this Andromeda was still experimenting with cultivation. To do this she was simply gathering as much energy as possible. Usually this would be accompanied by compressing the energy, but this time she decided not to.

Eventually the gathered energy had saturated her entire body to the point she couldn't gather any more. When this happened Andromeda took he time to try and understand what was happening before she went further.

From what she could tell her body was slowly absorbing the mana, this was strengthening her body, however it was also making it more mana conductive. If she was right then this meant that she would be able to make her who body send out attack if she wished. Before, she knew that attacks using energy where only capable of being done with the ends of limbs. This was because at the very top of each meridian there was a small opening that allowed energy to flow through.