
It was a nice little city, Daedalus had managed to find work as a bounty hunter and Andromeda had begun working at a bakery in the city center. It had been four months since they had arrived at the city. The bounty hunters guild had immediately made him a bounty hunter when he provided them of the group of pirates.

On the side when he didn't have any work though, Daedalus spent his time as a merchant. Quickly learning trade routes, Daedalus would bring cargo between cities and towns. When he did this pirates tended to attack, giving him more goods to sell.

The merchant business was cutthroat, literally from what he had seen happen to another merchant ship at the hands of another merchant ship. They where no better than pirates themselves, so Daedalus got more cargo from them. In the end Daedalus made more money as a bounty hunter from the sheer amount of pirates he had caught as a merchant.

On another note, the pirate who Daedalus had warned to not try and steal anything was found standing dead with his finger against the ship's surface. It had been instant, no point causing the man unnecessary pain in death, but that had made certain that no others would harbor intentions of stealing from his ship.


Fitting in was hard for the first month but with all of the goods Daedalus brought in each week they where quickly accepted. Now with four months of living in the city they had become well known to a degree. Most locals knew that they had plans to stay for a time, however that didn't stop them from relying on Daedalus and his merchant business a bit unhealthily.

Andromeda's pregnancy was anything but obvious, as they had quickly realised, her pregnancy was going to last much longer than the previous one. Luckily hey had left the islands of Heris already or people would have started asking questions.

As the continent they where on was filled with many different races, including elves, there where many books on this sort of thing. So Andromeda had taken to reading at the library more and more.

While she spent her time doing that though Daedalus worked on his merchant business, he had never really gone further than his blacksmith shop so he decided to expand. The first thing he did was start hiring workers and such, then after buying the deed for a piece of land Daedalus built a shop.

This all happened within those four months, and Daedalus was beginning to work on a second ship, he was going to keep his ship to himself but he was willing to make a second one for his workers. Thus another month passed.

Daedalus could be seen putting the finishing touches on his fourth ship, leaving him with a fleet of five ships for his merchant empire. Andromeda could only sigh at her husband's childishness, even if she secretly squealed at the fleet that he had built.

With the fleet prepared Daedalus spent a couple more weeks simply going about and getting deals with several providers so that he could haul the cargo. With deals in place Daedalus decided to give himself a brand, but what should he name it?