
It took a while but Daedalus finally got his company registered. Luckily he had contacts with people higher up in their respective cities so it wasn't excessively difficult. Putting that aside Daedalus was proud that he had set up his own business and it only took about five months!

Daedalus had also decided on a name, as he always seemed to go with The Craftsman for his small shops, he decided to change it up. And so the Hephaestus Merchant Company, was born.


A few years later and Daedalus company had grown to encompass all types of professions and almost a quarter of the continent. By now many assassins had tried to kill him, all of them failing. Due to that however, it became common knowledge that he was a formations and enchantments Grandmaster.

With five years passing since hey arrived it was surprising to see that Andromeda was still pregnant, though it was clear she was close to giving birth. By now Daedalus had built a mansion in the small town they first came to. The small town was now a large city even by large city standards.

With the wealth that Daedalus' company brought to the city it was no surprise. However Daedalus company was recognised as a merchant empire due to he sheer size and reach of the company. Unfortunately this meant dealing with usurpers trying to weasel their ways into the top of command and taking over from the inside.

On numerous occasions Daedalus' company had come close to fracturing due to the attempts of outside forces, but Daedalus held strong control and had the upper echelon of the company swear oaths. With oaths in place to secure honesty, Daedalus easily weeded out the threats and kept his company and family safe.


As five years had passed since hey arrived and the child still hadn't come, Daedalus was getting worried. Andromeda ended up reassuring him most of the time, but he still worried.

Andromeda spent most of her time doing her hobbies and advancing her knowledge, Daedalus bought her any books she needed and she could do whatever she liked. That is, until her water broke.

The moment her water broke Daedalus appeared out of thin air, teleportation, and had immediately carried her to a special room he had maintained for the past four years. Not a word was spoken during this time, and Andromeda was glad, as even though she had done it before, it was still painful. It didn't help that she had had to let her strength stagnate for three of he five years for the baby.

Daedalus used everything he knew to dull the pain but she couldn't stop screaming. Daedalus would never pretend to understand the pain but he could try to lessen it.

Two hours later, the child came out with the help of Daedalus who quickly cast hundreds of diagnostic charms on each of them. Andromeda was only exhausted, but she would be up and at it within a few minutes. On the other hand the baby seemed to be having trouble breathing.

Daedalus heart caught in his throat as he found the issue, the baby's lungs had formed incorrectly somehow. Knowing he didn't have much time, he steeled himself and teleported away. He didn't want Andromeda to see what he would have to do.