
Ronin was a wanderer, a person born to explore the world he lived in. He knew he had been safe with his family but his instincts drove him to seek knowledge. His father was known by many as The Craftsman where he let his skills be known, and his mother was The Artist, the architect of art as it is in this age.

So, Ronin chose to be The Wanderer, he would explore as he pleased and map worlds out of sheer boredom. He knew it would take time, but as he had learned from his parents, time was not a factor for him. He would not grow old, only wise, he would grow only in personality and knowledge.


Three years had passed, at first he felt bad and missed his parents. He quickly recovered from that and although he missed them, be didn't struggle in his mind on wether he should return any longer. As such the first year came to an end, much of his time spent in libraries and inns learning.

He had traveled to the capital city of the continent. He had heard in his initial month of travelling that this city was a treasure trove of knowledge. That alone appealed to him and so he had gone there.

Indeed it was a treasure trove, a treasure trove that cost a fortune to enter. He ended up spending the rest of his money getting into the city, not having identification didn't help as he had to bribe the guards. The ease at which he bribed the guards only bothered him when he realised who had built the city.

It had bothered him that it was his father who built this city, though it had been given to the council for a properly fortified capital city. He had no doubts that his father had an identification array built into the city. So for the first few months of being there Ronin was worried that he would be caught.

That was quickly disregarded when his father had appeared and said "You know, if you had just said you where going on a self discovery journey to me and your mother, we would have let you go. Also here is your money back I took it from that scam shop you bought your horse from."

After that Daedalus had disappeared from in front of a dumbfounded Ronin.

The second and third year where much the same as the first other than the fact that Ronin had joined the Eiphix Elite Academy. It was an academy created by the council, along with two others, to create a better environment for the younger generation to develop their skills.

Like most schools filled with elites most of the younger generation that was there was part of one of the many noble houses. This meant a lot of them considering Ronin beneath them. Luckily Ronin was shameless and would do practically anything to completely destroy their reputation.

Daedalus would never admit it but he had watched the whole time and found great enjoyment in their suffering. He hated schools.


This story is written by Joseph Hin:es