The Wanderer

Ronin was talented, many knew him as a genius. But he wanted to explore, it was his goal to find the unknown. His father The Craftsman, his mother The Artisan, he had a lot to live up to.

Ronin a thirteen year old, a mixture of bloodlines so potent they could make while galaxies tremble on their own. But all he wanted to do was explore and collect. He knew he had to be strong though, without strength everything could be taken from him.

Ronin remembered when his father explained this to him. Daedalus had said "No matter you goal or pursuit, without strength to keep it close it will be taken. Even I pursue strength as a way to both help with my goal, but also, to protect it."

Ronin had taken it to heart, it was a vivid truth that even in this peaceful time was true. Small skirmishes could pop up anywhere at any time, and bigger fights could break out as a result. So Ronin trained, he had his father and mother to teach him the basics, and with that he could proceed on his own he just had to put in the effort.

As a cultivator of the Accumulation technique, Ronin had absorbed a spacial ring during his first reversion. With that any worries about carrying anything was removed, his travels eased with that, he had a whole dimension that expanded as he grew stronger.


Ronin was in the capital, it had been three years since he got there. He had run away from home to learn more, though his father had easily found him. His father occasionally stopped by but other than that he didn't try and bring Ronin home.

He didn't know why he was thinking about all of this now, probably just the effects of walking to the academy. The academy was known as the Eiphix Elite Academy, sadly this didn't stop the rich, or the nobles from sending their spoiled children to the school.

Ronin was just glad that the academy had such stringent requirements for anyone who was learning there. If you failed anything it practically meant you had to leave. Of course Ronin was the head of his year, even people in years above him had trouble keeping up.

He knew he had the intelligence, but he had to have the hard work to back it up otherwise it meant nothing. So he spent most of his time in the libraries, if he wasn't busy with student council work. It was one of the systems of the school he had most abhorred when he had just started, the student council was filled with unintelligent idiots who though they where the top of the world.

Ronin quickly destroyed their reputation and took his place as the student council president. Changes had occured swiftly after that, bad behaviour was not tolerated and those who bragged where quickly shut down, though only if the bragging could cause harm.

Ronin had spent his study time learning about each race that was known of on the planet. It went from psychological, to plain biological. He was on the pursuit of understanding.