Choosing a leader chapter 2

The next morning, we woke up to the most defining alarm Jinx, Jack, and Elizabeth jumped out of bed and started getting ready for something big. After I got my suit on that they gave me to help with my powers I ran down the hall after them. As I ran down the hall a voice came over me. It was atom he was trapped In his room. the room they gave him kept him from teleporting while he slept because the room was made of a certain type of rock that dampened his powers. so watts rush to his door and started to reboot the system but it wouldn't start. Then he found the problem there was no power to the control panel so like he does with his TV he blasted it with a serge of energy and, the door opened. Atom came running out and turned to watts and said "thanks man I owe you one."

When we got to the command center we found the others and saw that it was a drill. John had told the others to sit and wait until we had come in. Then he beckoned us to sit next to the others. Then John started go talk about us as a team and how we must work together. Then he started talking about us appointing a leader of the team. And that the leader had to be able to lead us and watch out for his teammates at the same time. That it was his or hers job to make sure that everyone made it back. Then he said with a smile "like Mr. Watts did for Atom this morning. Atom was stuck in his room and out of all of you it was watts that stopped to help. Atom piped up at that moment and asked to speak. John said everyone can speak at anytime. So Atom nominated Watts as team leader but John had a different idea he had a task for each of use to lead the team through. he set a goal for each of us that we had to get every one through the task.So after a day of tasks the only two that still wanted to be leader of the team was Watts and Jinx. They both lead the team with excellence and they both got there tasks completed but Jinx for got to take a head check and had to go look for Jack in the maze she had to lead us through. Every one got quiet as John came into the room. He stepped quietly and swiftly to the point that you don't know he is there until you see him. He has a thin faint scare above his right eye. And a jaw the looks like it has been broken several times. But when he spoke he was understood perfectly. He started off with we all did good but, only one of you is going to be leader of the team. And from what me and the other league members watched in the training room Watts is the best candidate. Watts was surprised. But as all teams should do we are going to let you choose your leader over dinner. The leader you choose must meet me in my office after dinner.

That night at dinner we put it to a vote. And I won the vote by dealt even Jinx voted for me.  We all took are time eating. After what seemed like two hours i told every one i would catch up late but, first i had to go see John and get this over with. As i knocked on the door i almost missed him say come in. His office was big bookshelves that reached the ceiling and, glass cases  full of astonishing historical artifacts from wars past. On his desk was a computer, a pen book, a can of pens, papers and, a stapler. as i sat down in the chair in front of his desk i saw he was reading The Last Olympian from the Percy Jackson series. I loved those books. Then John looked up and said with a smile that he knew it would be me to get picked. He said that i was the best he has seen out of us kids and that he hops to see more. so we scheduled training's and missions to give in the training room as we trained. On my way back to my room i told everyone about the training in the morning and said good night. As i lay there trying to fall asleep i started making a drawing on the ceiling with energy scorches. i drew my mom for the first time since she died.