The unseen relationships chapter 3

After a night like last night I would want to be alone but as team leader I have to be there for everyone else. to guide and help them through the challenges we must face as a team. so that morning I went and got John to show him what happened last night and why I couldn't think straight during training. he asked me what it was. So I told him the first drawing of my mom since she died. He asked what her name was because the woman looked like his mom who died eleven years ago with his new little brother, he was only four at the time. Watts said her name was Anna. Then it hit John in the face Watts was his little brother he thought he lost. With the sound of a snap John snapped out of the trance he was in about the realization that his brother was still alive. He looked at watts with curious eyes and asked if he had a scare behind his left ear. watts asked him how he knew about his scare and john said that his brother got it from the paper hat he made and gave to him. The two exchanged looks and then it dawned on Watts that John was his brother. But Watts didn't remember having a brother at all he thought he was an only child. So john and Watts sat down and John explained the past eleven years for him and Watts did the same. they heard a knock on the door before Atom came busting in. He said Jinx and Liz are fighting in the training room.

Atom John and I raced to the training room as I entered a fire ball flew at my face so I dodged it and looked for the source. Liz was on the raid tower shooting fire balls at jinx and Jinx was throwing steel rods at her. So I hit them both with a low zap and shouted enough. they both immediately stopped and turned to see me there out of breath. They both looked at each other with shame and shook hands and made up. I requested why they were fighting and why I almost got hit in the face with a fire ball. they both said they were seeing who would get to ask me to the hero's ball.

It is a celebration for young teams that are ready to face real problems. As team leader I was in charge of letting the team know when the ball was and I forgot to. Then John piped up in "you girls need to." Then I interrupted before he could finish. I don't know when the ball is so you two have plenty of time to figure it out. And next time don't use violence to solve the problem use a third party or rock, paper, scissors. Now if everything is good here I need to go collect my thoughts about how I didn't know John was my brother. Jinx's felt terrible so she came up to me and gave me a huge and said if there was anything she could do she would be there for me. So I hugged her back and told her thanks but I need to get my thoughts together. And I walked down the hall to my room. As I walked down the hall I turned and looked back and thought about how Jinx was fighting for me and I thought I didn't have a chance with her.