When Su Yang's phone rang, she glanced at a sleeping Xuan Tianmei before answering the call. "Hey," She said.

"Hey," Lu Qihao's voice resounded at the other end of the line. "We found your guy."

Su Yang sat up. "Really? Did he said who sent him?"

"No." Lu Qihao said. "He's denying having anything to do with the arson."

"They always deny." Su Yang chuckled as she spoke. "Where are you guys?"

"At the basement."

"Cook something before I get there." Su Yang said in a brash tone. 

"Why?" Lu Qihao asked.

"Because I'm hungry."

"I'm not cooking for you, Su Yang."

"But... I want to eat something you made."

"I'm not cooking."

"See... This attitude of yours is the reason you'll be alone for the rest of your life."

Lu Qihao sighed. "Just come quick."