When Su Yang returned to Xuan Tianmei's room, the latter was deeply engrossed in reading a romance novel.

Standing in front of Xuan Tiamei's bed, Su Yang chirped, "Hey, half face. How are you doing today?"

Xuan Tianmei looked up from the novel she was reading. Wearing a pout, she stared at Su Yang pointedly. Then replied, "That's not nice."

"I'm not a nice person." Su Yang said with an indifferent shrug.

"You saved my life. That's what a nice person would do." Xuan Tianmei adamantly pointed out.

"It's part of my job."

"I'm part of your job?"

Su Yang shook her head and sat beside Xuan Tianmei. "Scoot over," she commanded.

When Xuan Tianmei complied, she relaxed on the free side of the bed. Resting her back on the wall. Comfortable, she retrieved her novel from her pocket and continued reading.